卯靜儒李俐穎2019-08-282010-7-262019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696000046%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90140今日的國小代理教師,在師資培育政策的轉變以及少子化現象日趨嚴重之下,他們成為校園中不可忽視的新族群,這群代理教師走在成為教師的路上,不同於過去的教師般直線前進,他們歷經許多矛盾、曲折與選擇。本研究以出身傳統師院生且擁有合格教師證書的國小代理教師為對象,從社會學三大理論-結構功能論、衝突論和象徵互動論的觀點,藉由質性研究方法-深度訪談蒐集資料,探討國小代理教師身處代理制度下以及與他人、環境的互動中,其教師社會化的歷程如何進行?而不同的個人經歷如何影響或累積其教師社會化的走向? 由資料分析可知本研究的二位國小代理教師有不同的際遇,他們成為國小代理教師的歷程也大不相同,其教育信念、師生互動、親師溝通,以及人際關係等各方面,不僅呈現個人特質、自我觀念,也受到任教學校的文化、結構和教師的人際網絡影響,二位教師的經歷雖有個殊性,但明顯可見其受家長與制度所影響,不時牽動著他們的選擇與方向。根據分析與討論,歸納出以下研究結論: 一、不斷順服與質疑的歷程 二、影響國小代理教師社會化之因素 (一)源於身分與就業、成就感的「推」、「拉」力量。 (二)由制度層層形塑而成的學校過客。Due to the transition of teacher education policy and the low birth rate in the past decade, the long-term substitute teachers in elementary schools have formed a new group which cannot be ignored. This group of long-term substitute teachers, unlike their predecessors who worked as regular teachers after internship, confronts many choices, difficulties and conflicts. With the sociological theories: structural functionalism, conflict theory and symbolic interactionism and the use of quantitative research method and in-depth interviewing, here this thesis examines, under this substitute system, the teacher socialization process of the certificated teachers graduated from national teachers colleges through the interaction with others, and examines how different personal experience affects the direction of teacher socialization. We see the two long-term substitute teachers on this thesis have totally different career paths according to the data analysis. Their processes of becoming long-term substitute teachers in elementary schools are different as well. Their beliefs in education, interactions with students, communication with parents and interpersonal relationship vary not only because of their personal trait and belief, but also under the impact of different school cultures, school structures and their personal network. Though the two of them have uniqueness, their choices and directions have been obviously found affected by the educational system and parents. According to the analysis and discussion, the following conclusions are drawn: 1. The process of exploring and contemplation 2. The factors to affect the teacher socialization of long-term substitute teachers國小代理教師教師社會化long-term substitute teachersteacher socialization駐足的過客-國小代理教師社會化歷程之探究