沈淑敏Shen, Su-Min潘俞帆Pan, Yu-Fan2019-08-292017-09-012019-08-292017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060223012L%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94098 流域為與人類生活直接相關的環境系統,亦為學校教育地理科的重要學習概念。但根據研究者的教學經驗發現,依據現行國高中地理之流域環境系統的相關教材編排,若任課教師在教學上沒有特別彙整、提示,不利學生建立流域系統的整體概念,以講述教學為主要教學法,也難與學生實際生活經驗銜接。本研究欲探究以地方本位教育設計貼近學生生活環境之課程,並藉由原住民族環境知識之整體觀引導高中學生習得流域環境組成要素及開放系統作用。本研究之教學實驗對象為研究者任教之桃園市大溪區高中學生,以學校所在之大漢溪流域為教材取材之場域,並融入在地之泰雅族的傳統環境知識。本研究採準實驗研究法,分別於105學年度、106學年度進行預試教學和試驗教學,於教學前後針對教學對象分別實施認知測驗前測、後測及延宕測驗,測驗結果以成對樣本t檢定,並輔以回饋問卷進行解釋分析。本研究發現:(1)高中學生對於流域系統之抽象名詞、系統要素組成和次系統間的交互作用學習成效不佳;(2)高中學生可透過小組合作學習、學生實作活動的設計、空間轉換和圖像判識能力的培養,來理解流域系統抽象名詞的概念;(3)原住民族傳統環境知識融入高中流域系統的教學,有助於提升高中學生對於流域系統要素落實於真實地表、流域系統整體概念之建構。 Catchment is an environmental system directly related to human life, and is also an important learning concepts taught in school Geography. But based on personal teaching experience, the researcher found the current teaching course arrangement will be disadvantageous for students to establish the holism of the catchment system if the teacher doesn’t outline the concept and prompt them further. Besides, taking didactic instruction method is not easy to connect with the students’ real life experience. Proceeding the teaching experiment on the students of Taoyuan Municipal Daxi Senior High School which the researcher is emloyed, using the catchment environment of Dahan River as teaching material and merging the traditional environmental knowledge of Atayal, the researcher try to explore the place-based educational design, which is close to students’ living environments, and adopt the holism of the aboriginal people’s environment knowledge to guide students to learn the components of catchment environment and the interaction of an open system. The research adopted the quasi-experimental design, proceeding a pre-trial teaching in 105 academic year and an experimental teaching in 106 academic year. Meanwhile, the researcher did cognitive pre-test, post-test, and delay-test to the participants and tested by paired-sample t-test. Then, accompanying the feedback questionnaire to analyze and explain. The research findings: (1)The learning effectiveness of the abstract nouns, the components of the system, and the interaction of sub-systems are not eminent to the students. (2)The students can understand the concepts of the abstract nouns through the team cooperative learning, the design of hands-on activities, and the developments of the space shifting and the ability of the figure detecting. (3)The teaching of the catchment system merged the aboriginal traditional environmental knowledge is helpful to the students to promote the constructing of components of catchment system lying on the earth’s surface and the holism of the catchment system.流域系統地方本位教育傳統環境知識泰雅族大漢溪Catchment systemPlace-based educationTraditional environmental knowledgeAtayalDahan River原住民傳統環境知識融入高中流域系統教學之研究The Study on Integrating Indigenous Environmental Knowledge into Catchment System in High School Geography