國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系黃秀媚  李景美  陳政友  黃松元  苗迺芳 李淑卿  鄭其嘉  羅惠丹  龍芝寧  廖信榮  康杏如 2014-12-022014-12-022011-12-011561-8137http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/40098目的:本研究探討高中職吸菸學生的戒菸行為意圖以及個人、家庭與學校因素對其的影響。方法:採橫斷性調查,於臺北市與新北市中,以有意願配合研究的學校其一、二年級吸菸學生130人為樣本,高中職各四校(共八校),以結構式問卷施測,採自填問卷方式收集資料,問卷回收率為100%。結果:影響學生較易有短期(一個月)戒菸行為意圖之變項包括:1.個人層面因素中,養成規律吸菸習慣的時間較短者、總吸菸量未超過100支者、尼古丁依賴程度較低者、戒菸態度及戒菸自我效能較高者;2.家庭層面因素中,家庭完整性為單親者;3.學校層面因素中,較低年級者與要好友一半或一半以下有吸菸行為者。影響學生較易有長期(六個月)戒菸行為意圖之變項包括:1.個人層面因素中,養成規律吸菸習慣的時間較短者、尼古丁依賴程度較低者、戒菸態度較正向者;2.家庭層面因素中,父親、母親與其他同住親戚對其吸菸的行為不同意者;3.學校層面因素為年級與好友一半或一半以下有吸菸行為與好友對其吸菸的態度不同意者。建議:實務工作加強吸菸青少年拒菸的技巧,強化戒菸的動機。Purposes: The purposes of the study were to understand the behavioral intention of smoking cessation, and also explored the relationship between the behavioral intention and influential factors including personal, family, and school factors. Eight senior and vocational high schools in Taipei City and New Taipei City (Taipei County) participating the study.Methods: The data was collected by using cross-sectional investigative study. A total of 130 tenth and eleventh grade smoking students completed self-administrated questionnaires. The respondent rate was 100%.Results: The students who had shorter smoking years, smoked less than 100 cigarettes, had low level nicotine dependence, had positive attitude, and had higher self-efficacy of smoking cessation (individual factors), who were in single-parent family (family factors), and who were in lower grade, and had half or less than half of good friends who were smokers (school factors), were more likely to have short-term (one month) smoking cessation intention. The students who had shorter smoking years, had low level nicotine dependence, had positive attitude to smoking cessation (individual factors), who disagreed with smoking behavior of adolescents by parents and relatives who lived together (family factors), who were lower grade, had half or less than half good friends who were smokers, and disagreed with smoking behaviors of adolescents by good friends (school factors), were more likely to have long-term (six months) smoking cessation intention.Suggestions: The study suggests that the high schools should help smoking adolescents to develop refusal skills of smoking, and to strengthen their motivation of smoking cessation.戒菸  行為意圖  高中職學生Smoking cessation�ehavioral intention�enior and vocational high school students高中職吸菸學生戒菸行為意圖及其影響因素之研究The Behavioral Intentions of Smoking Cessation and Influential Factors among the Smoking Students in the Senior and Vocational High School�