國立臺灣師範大學圖書資訊學研究所林芳伶柯皓仁2015-09-032015-09-032010-08-011023-2125http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/74297表演藝術展現了美學創意與人文意涵,欣賞表演藝術更可提升藝文涵養與促進情感交流。網際網路已成為傳播的主要媒介之一,各類型團體無不以此做為行銷以及與訴求對象對話的管道,表演藝術團體自不例外。為瞭解表演藝術團體透過網際網路傳播的現況與建置數位典藏的情形,本研究針對國內外36家表演藝術網站進行內容分析,共分為(1)消息來源;(2)表演藝術團體資訊;(3)表演藝術團體作品資訊;(4)會員專區與個人化服務;(5)社交網路;(6)數位典藏與加值應用;以及(7)其他等七大類分析類目;最後並對表演藝術網站之功能項目提出建議。研究結果顯示表演藝術團體基本上已具備消息來源、表演藝術團體資訊、作品資訊、連結線上售票系統、購票說明與指引的功能,但僅有少數幾家架設數位典藏系統,建議未來可朝向數位典藏的方向努力。This study investigates the websites of 36 performing arts groups to find out how these groups exploit the Internet as a channel for marketing and for communicating with their audience. The methodology of content analysis is employed to examine the websites according to a total of 36 content and functionality items grouped into seven categories. Research results show that the common contents and functions displayed on the websites of the studied performing arts groups include news, information on performing arts groups, information on performances, and linking to online ticketing systems and/or guidance on ticketing. Some of the websites take advantage of social-networking tools such as facebook, plurk, and blogs to communicate with their audience. On the other hand, only a few of the websites under study incorporate digital archives into the online documentation of their development and performances.表演藝術內容分析數位典藏社交網路PerformingContent analysisDigital archivesSocial networks表演藝術團體網站內容分析之研究Content Analysis of Websites of Performing Art Groups