國立臺灣師範大學科學教育研究所張俊彥2014-12-022014-12-022013-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/42742本計畫嘗試整合虛擬實境(Lin et al, in press)、動作偵測和紅外線控制器等不同的新科技建置一個全新的虛擬學習環境。在這新的虛擬學習環境中,內容知識不單只是學校的基本課程內容,還包括了非制式的科學學習(Miller, 2010; Rundgren et al, 2010)。因此,結合VR和SLiM的重要研究發現,我們試著建置發展一個融入SLiM概念的虛擬學習環境(SLiM Driven Virtual Learning Environment (SDVLE))。學生可以利用動作感應攝影機在SDVLE中瀏覽,使用紅外線控制器與環境中的物件互動。透過這樣強大的科技,試著幫助學生對於文化有更多的感知,並增進其科學知識。In this Proposal, we try to integrate several new technology, Virtual Reality (Lin et al, in press), Motion capture and infra-red pointing devices, into a new virtual learning environment. That content knowledge, in new virtual learning environment, should be based not only on the school-based curricula, but also on informal science learning as well (Miller, 2010; Rundgren et al, 2010). We therefore intend to develop a SLiM Driven Virtual Learning Environment (SDVLE) in order to combine these important research findings in a substantive way. Navigation in the virtual world will be conducted by making various gestures, which will be detected by an infra-red motion capture camera and then linked to a movement event in the SDVLE. In addition, students will interact with objects within the SDVLE through the use of infra-red pointing devices that will simulate the weapons and tools used by aboriginal hunters. These powerful technology can be used to help students become more culturally aware (Digital Archives, 2011), while also increasing their scientific content knowledge.虛擬學習環境媒體中的科學素養3D虛擬實境學習環境的創新內容研發與學習成效評估