陳佩英CHEN,PEI-YING徐新雅HSU,HSIN-YA2019-08-282014-8-212019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060016015E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91217隨著十二年國民基本教育的推動,學校將面臨許多接踵而至的衝擊與挑戰。爰此,學校勢必要做些調整與改變,方能在變動的環境下,突顯學校辦學特色與創新學校價值。故本研究將以一所公立個案高中為研究對象,採質性個案研究法,運用訪談、觀察和文件分析等方式,蒐集研究資料,以描繪出個案學校於發展特色課程的脈絡中,所歷經的變革階段以及涉及的變革影響因素,同時亦會針對學校所遭遇的困難與挑戰加以探討,進而勾勒出個案高中如實的變革路徑。 根據個案的研究分析與發現,歸結出本研究的結論如下: 壹、透過校長與特色課程推動小組的藍圖形塑,確立學校變革方向與願景。 貳、經由例行性、任務性與自發性會議的頻繁交流,引導成員採取變革行動以及解決各方衝突與意見。 參、針對特色課程規畫與實施情形進行成效評估與改進。 肆、鞏固學校變革動力因素,減低與因應成員的抗力因素。 伍、學校發展特色課程尚待解決結構面、技術面、人員面的困難與挑戰。With the launch of twelve-year basic education, schools will confront many challenges. Therefore, schools are bound to make some adjustments and changes by, highlighting the characteristics or innovating core value of schools under such uncertain environments. The purpose of this study is to depict the organizational changes of a high school niche curriculum. A public high school was intentionally chosen as a case study, and data collection contain interview, observation, and document analysis. The difficulties and challenges of organizational changes were also explored to urderstand the process of niche curriculum development of the school. The major research results and conclusions are as follows: 1.Forming the taskforce group for developing the niche curriculum, and setting the direction and vision of change. 2.Guiding members to take changes through frequent communication and interaction. 3.Evaluating and improving the niche curriculum. 4.Consolidating the change of motive factors, and reducing resistant factors. 5.There exist unresolved structural, technical, and personnel aspects of difficulties and challenges in the innovation of niche curriculum in the school.組織變革特色課程十二年國民基本教育organizational changeniche curriculumtwelve-year basic education一所高中特色課程發展之組織變革歷程研究A case study on organizational change process through developing