國立臺灣師範大學華語文教學系暨研究所李育娟2016-08-042016-08-042013-07-31http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/80288平安中後期成書的《注好選》一書分為上、中、下三卷,為中國及佛教故事的選集。 據今野達氏的研究,《注好選》書中所收錄的這些中國或佛教故事,並未直接參考原書, 而是抄寫自某些間接性的文獻。但作者抄錄引用的方式,提高不少調查的困難度,因此 截至今日,對編寫《注好選》一書所使用的間接性書籍的研究沒有任何進展。 而筆者調查發現,《注好選》中一部分記事與敦煌的知識類通俗讀物關係密切,這 些書在中國本土或日本皆已散失。且《注好選》另一群組的中國故事與敦煌文書也有關 聯。 由部分文獻資料的比對結果來看,初步研判《注好選》中的中國名賢故事,極可能 是透過《類林》、《琱玉集》、《事森》等《類林》系的唐代私撰類書編寫而成。這些《類 林》系的敦煌類書殘缺頗為嚴重,相對地《注好選》的本文雖稍經改寫,但大多完整的 保存下來。因此比對出《注好選》中哪一些故事是來自這些唐代類書,對於復原《類林》 系類書一事有極大的助益。本研究今年度的計畫擬針對《注好選》中《類林》系私撰類 書的引用狀況展開調查。“Chūkōsen” is a selection from stories of China and Buddhism, divided into three volumes and published in the middle and later of Heian period. According to Tōru Konno’s study, the stories of China and Buddhism in “Chūkōsen” are transcribed from some secondhand documents, instead of referring to the original directly. The way in which the author transcribed the book increases the difficulty of research; hence there is no other progress in the study of these secondhand documents. Due to the investigation for this article, however, parts of stories in “Chūkōsen” are relevant to knowledge-based popular books of Dunhuang that got lost both in China and Japan. In fact, the other parts of Chinese stories also correlate closely with Dunhuang manuscripts. From the result of comparing parts of documents, preliminary evaluation is made that stories of Chinese philosophers in “Chūkōsen” might be edited through private writings in Tang dynasty, such as “Leilin”, “Diaoyuji”, “Shisen”, etc. Relative to that Dunhuang manuscripts are no more than fragmentary, most of “Chūkōsen” is preserved completely, though it’s rewrited. It will be a great help to restore Leilin-type books by category if we compare stories in “Chūkōsen” to the right with these books by category in Tang dynasty. The project this year plans to investigate the condition of quotation in Leilin-type private books by category of “Chūkōsen”.敦煌文書類書《注好選》《類林》《琱玉集》Dunhuang manuscriptsBook by category“Chūkōsen”“Leilin”“Diaoyuji”《注好選》所徵引中國典籍及佚書研究(II-II)