張書豪2014-10-272014-10-272010-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/25108本文透過考察漢武帝郊祀與封禪的祭祀活動,以闡明其中所蘊藏的思想內涵。發現后土祠是以五行土德為基礎,並設廟汾陰冀州,象徵佔居九州中央,以統御四方。太一祠則位於長安西北甘泉,反映古代西北高、東南低的天地形勢;由八方、五帝、太一層疊而起的祭壇形制,亦為具體而微的宇宙模型。封禪方面同樣以太一為至尊上帝,並在泰山建築規模更宏偉的昆侖樓,以滿足武帝陟降往來於天地之間的嚮往。綜合來看,太一即是北辰,受到眾星所拱;后土立於汾陰,位處地理中心,天地萬物的循環運動均以其為核心樞紐,而其本身卻是恆常不動。蓋不動則不變化,不變化則能致長生,此正是武帝必藉由郊祀、封禪的宗教儀式,以求上下冥契於太一、后土的思維理路。This article explained the Emperor Wu’s thoughts among the suburban sacrifices(郊祀) and the fengshan(封禪)activities. The temple of Hou-tu(后土祠)symbolized the center of the world. The temple of Taiyi(太一祠)reflected the Chinese terrain which the north-west is high, and the south-east is low. Besides, The sacrificial altar of Taiyi symbolized the model of the universe. On the other hand, the Emperor Wu built the Kun-Lun Lo(昆侖樓)for going upstairs to the heaven. These three rituals emphasized the concept of the center which is invariable. That’s why the Emperor Wu aspired the immortality through these three rituals.西漢武帝郊祀封禪West-Hanthe Emperor Wusuburban sacrificesfengshan漢武帝的郊祀與封禪The Suburban Sacrifices and Fengshant in the period of Emperor Wu in West-Han Dynasty