國立臺灣師範大學國文學系林佳蓉2015-11-172015-11-172010-03-011021-7851http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/75013周密是宋代野史的巨擘,也是南宋晚期三大詞人之一。有詞集《草窗詞》存世,也曾輯錄南渡詞人至宋亡遺民之詞為《絕妙好詞》一書,二者均是詞史上之重要著作。周密之詞,甚垂意於杭州的書寫,其詞今存154闋,關於杭州地景與人事之杭州詞,就有59闋之多,尤以〈木蘭花慢〉組詞,歌詠西湖十景最為有名。本文以周密之杭州詞為討論的文本,觀看「詞」作為一種獨特的文體,在處理這一題材上的特殊性;考察周密之杭州詞的內容與表徵意義;分析其寫作的風格特色與藝術技巧,這是本文擬予解讀的層面,祈使詞中的深意與真實,能更明晰地勾勒出來。Zhou-Mi was a master on folklore history of Sung Dynasty and one of the "three famous writers in late Sung Dynasty". "Cis by the Windows of Thatched Cottage" (《草窗詞》)is his representative work in Ci writing. He has collected and edited Cis from the exiled Ci writers in late Sung dynasty called "Excellently Subtle Fine Ci" (《絕妙好詞》). Both of them play important roles in Ci's history. Zhou Mi's Ci has a special preferrance in writing about Hang-Zhou (杭州). 154 of his Cis have been handed down, and 59 of which were related to Hang-Zhou. The most famous ones are "Lily Magnolia Mann" (〈木蘭花慢〉) which narrated the ten landscapes of West Lake (西湖十景). This essay concentrates on Zhou's Hang-Zhou Cis, and explores his particularity of Ci writing which included its unique style, special meaning, distinct manner, particular form and the artistic conception, in order to illuminate our understanding of Ci's deep meaning and its special handling of reality.周密南宋詞人草窗詞杭州西湖Zhou MiWriter in Sung DynastyCis by the Windows of Thatched CottageHang ZhouWest Lake閒卻半湖春色--論《草窗詞》中的杭州書寫Leisurely Enjoying the Landspace of Half of the Lake on Writing of Hang Zhou in "Cis by Windows of Thatched Cottage" (《草窗詞》)