劉若蘭曾培祐2019-08-282011-2-202019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697070153%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88626本研究目的主要探討大學社團負責人領導經驗與影響因素,研究設計為質性研究取向,研究參與者為台灣某公立大學曾擔任社團負責人的學生,共六名,以半結構式訪談收集資料,並以質性分析整理訪談內容,且運用研究參與者檢核、同儕檢核以及厚實敘寫檢驗研究信實度。 研究結果發現,大學社團負責人領導經驗發展歷程由「承擔責任的衝擊與準備」、「從挫折中茁壯培養默契」、「彈性疲乏與重新出發」、「面臨人心流動的考驗」,至「帶領社團增長領導經驗與能力」,而影響領導經驗發展的相關因素,包含:「同儕與師長的認同和支持」、「參與培訓,學習領導技巧並增加信心」以及「投入社團時間越長,學習成長越多」。 最後,依據研究結果提出建議,大學校院方面,建議學校應充分支持社團負責人的培訓活動,並提供相關教育人員在職培育的機會;社團輔導方面,建議積極爭取和社區合作的機會、鼓勵社團辦理寒假營隊,籌備過程強調授權與分工以及鼓勵辦理幹部訓練,訓練內容應加入情感凝聚與溝通技巧相關課程;進一步研究方面,建議納入社團輔導老師、系上教師以及相關教育人員觀點,並增加多元之研究方法。The purpose of this study was to explore the leading experiences of college club leaders and the influential factors on their leadership development. The participants included six students of a public university. They were club leaders before interviews. Data were collected through semi-constructed and in-depth interviews. Major conclusions of this study are the following: 1. The process of leading experience include: preparing to take responsibility, building tacit understanding in frustration, suffering from mental fatigue and starting all over again, confronted with the trust issue among the crew, and growing from the leading experiences 2. The related influential factors on leading experiences include: getting support from peers and teachers, enhancing leading skills and gaining confidence through training program, and learning more for involving more. Recommendations for colleges are: the authority should fully support the training program, and provide on-the-job training to relevant educational staff. And recommendations for club guidance and assistance are: the authority should strive for cooperation with community and encourage clubs to hold summer and winter camps. The preparation process should emphasize empowerment, sharing responsibility, and training program for the crew, with group-cohesion skills and communication skills included in the program. In addition, collecting more opinions from club instructor, faculties and relevant educational staff and using multiple research approaches are the recommendations for further research.大學社團負責人領導經驗學習與發展club leaderleading experiencelearning and developing大學社團負責人領導經驗與影響因素研究