林玉体林建福葉雅琦YEH,Ya-chi2019-08-282011-7-62019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698000129%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90213殷海光為臺灣自由主義的領航人,在1950-1960年代的臺灣社會中具有重要的影響力。其極力宣揚反抗權威、追求自由思想,並且根據其自由主義觀點對當時黨化教育有諸多批判。但先前對於殷海光思想探討之相關研究,多著重在其自由主義主張、邏輯思維以及對傳統文化的看法等面向,對於其在教育部分論述之探討實為不多。為使殷海光對教育之關切能引起更多人的省思,本研究之主要關懷乃在探討殷海光對於黨化教育論述之批判,以突顯其在教育脈動上之貢獻。 研究方法採用「內容分析法」,根據殷海光著作之專著、文集、報章雜誌及期刊、他人撰寫的回應或對立論述之文章,以及殷海光基金會所辦理之研討會文章、追思集等史料來源,進行蒐集、考證及分析,並經過反思與咀嚼之後得到反省與批判。希冀能發揮以古鑑今的精神,透過對其論述之省思投射至現今社會,並加以檢視其中的教育意蘊。 現今是各種多元論述並存的社會,但在政治力操控一切的可能性之下,黨化教育亦可能用民主的外觀來包裝置入性的黨政思想,在潛移默化當中行銷黨的政策。而殷海光對黨化教育的批判,在學術自由史上留下重要的註記,由此可看出其知識人的風骨,從中更可讓我們瞭解具有獨立思考能力的重要性,以避免淹沒在各種操弄的荒流中。Yin Haiguang was the leader of liberal thoughts in Taiwan. He had great influences among academic fields during 1950-1960s. Yin advocated rebellious ideas against authorities and pursued liberal thoughts, according to his liberal viewpoints, Yin Haiguang criticized the partification of education. Most of former researches focused on Yin Haiguang’s liberal thoughts, logical thinking and his viewpoints about traditional culture, and few probed into his concern about education. To highlight and learn from Yin’s educational thoughts and then reflect on the education, this paper focused on his critical thinking about the partification of education. The method conducted in this paper was documentary analysis. Through collecting and analyzing Yin Haiguang’s monographs, anthologies, journal paper, essays relating to the partification of education and the works that published by the Yin Haiguang Foundation, it is the main purposes of this paper to come up with reflection and critique on contemporary education practice, which coming from deep self-examination and absorption by the researcher, and to learn from the experience in the history. Perhaps the partification of education is not a popular word now, but the political power may still has an impact on the public in hidden, we should prevent the preconceived ideas keep a strong hold, so as to maintain one’s individuality. Yin Haiguang’s critique on the partification of education reminds us not to drift with the tide, but to have a self-examination ability in the pluralism.殷海光黨化教育知識人學術自由Yin Haiguangpartification of educationintellectualacademic freedom殷海光對黨化教育的批判Yin Haiguang's critique of partification of education