徐美Hsu, Mei鄭喬云Cheng, Chiao-Yun2024-12-179999-12-312024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/cd45c2844ee01b13d0ff97b0480376df/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122753在現代社會中,購買住房常被視為個人生活的重要里程碑。然而,隨著住房負擔能力的下降,人們對住宅條件的關注逐漸增加。不同於過去研究多針對單一事件進行探討,本研究以新北市新店區安坑輕軌為對象,同時聚焦於其計畫宣告(民國102年)、開工(民國105年)及完工(民國111年)各階段對鄰近住宅價格的影響。研究採用特徵價格模型(hedonic price models)結合差異中之差異法(difference-in-differences, DID)進行分析,並以內政部實價登錄系統中之住宅交易資料為基礎,選取民國101年8月至112年10月新北市新店區之住宅交易數據,使用地理資訊系統(QGIS)劃分安坑輕軌站點沿線800公尺內之住宅為實驗組,1500公尺外之住宅為對照組。實證結果顯示,安坑輕軌的建設在不同階段對周邊住宅價格的影響各異。在計畫宣告階段,800公尺內住宅每坪單價相較1500公尺外,宣告效果之真實影響兩組之差異上漲0.831萬元,顯示出正向影響。在開工階段,800公尺內住宅每坪單價相較1500公尺外,開工效果之真實影響兩組之差異為上漲1.27萬元,反映出民眾對交通便利性提升的期待超過施工負面影響。在完工階段,800公尺內住宅每坪單價相較1500公尺外,完工效果之真實影響兩組之差異下降1.28萬元,顯示房地產市場對交通建設的正面影響已在早期逐步反映,並在後期完工時期修正過去過度反應之住宅價格至市場價格。In modern society, purchasing a home is a significant milestone. However, as housing affordability declines, concerns about housing conditions increase. Unlike previous studies that focus on single events, this research examines the impact of the Xindian Ankeng Light Rail project in New Taipei City's Xindian District on nearby housing prices at different stages: project announcement (2013), commencement of construction (2016), and completion (2022). This study uses hedonic price models combined with the difference-in-differences (DID) method, analyzing housing transaction data from the Ministry of the Interior's real estate database from August 2012 to October 2023. Properties within 800 meters of the light rail stations are the experimental group, and those beyond 1500 meters are the control group, using Geographic Information System (QGIS) for demarcation.The results show that the light rail project had different effects on nearby housing prices at each stage. During the announcement stage, housing prices within 800 meters increased by NT$8,310 per ping compared to those beyond 1500 meters. In the construction stage, the difference increased by NT$12,700 per ping, reflecting public anticipation of improved transportation outweighing construction impacts. In the completion stage, the difference decreased by NT$12,800 per ping, indicating that earlier positive impacts had already been reflected, with the market correcting overestimated prices to realistic values.特徵價格模型差異中之差異法住宅價格輕軌Hedonic Price ModelDifference-in-Differences (DID)Housing PricesLight Rail新店安坑輕軌對鄰近住宅價格之影響The Impact of the Xindian Ankeng Light Rail on the Housing Prices in the Surrounding Area學術論文