賴志樫Lai, Chih-Chien許惠雯Hsu, Hui-Wen2024-12-172024-07-242024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/478aac5861141374125e5235891622f5/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122092noneMany education institutions had change to online way of learning during pandemic in order to maintain school activities and student's obligation of learning. Although online learning changed student's learning behaviors, learning style and replace the traditional way of learning. It became an important issue not only for the organization but also for schools. This study had focused on investigating the connection among academic self-efficacy, active learning, and e-learning satisfaction since technology bring us lots of social media platforms and social networking sites have proven to be valuable tools in enhancing online learning due to their fantastic interactive capabilities. In the future, will there be more online class and replace physical courses? The study would like to know more about whether students equipped with active learning and self-efficacy will have the better learning outcomes. Research data was collected among universities in Taiwan, using quantitative study with a sample size of 276 participants which utilize online survey to collect. IBM SPSS was applied to analysis descriptive statistics, the correlations between each variable and hierarchical regression. The result showed that all the hypotheses had been supported and with the significant correlations. Active learning and academic self-efficacy are positively related with learning satisfaction. Additionally, academic self-efficacy does mediate the relationship between active learning and learning satisfaction. Not only the research provides the practical implications for schools and organizations to have the concept whether to implement more e-learning courses in their future life but also realizes the challenges in current situations.noneE-learninglearning satisfactionlearning styleacademic self-efficacyhigher education student探討疫情期間高等教育學生之學習滿意度,主動學習風格以及學術自我效能間之關聯性:鎖定台灣地區之研究The Relationships between Active Learning, Academic Self-Efficacy and Learning Satisfaction in E-learning of Higher Education Students in Taiwan學術論文