林曼蕙熊永政2019-09-052006-6-302019-09-052005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00T1041020%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104886摘要 肥胖所帶來身體方面的問題在生活優裕的台灣越來越嚴重。本研究針對國中階段身高與體重依據教育部所規定之BMI符合與超過標準之男學生,年齡足15歲者施以PACER檢測,藉以瞭解不同肥胖程度對國中男性學生心跳之變化。 本研究以台北縣樹林高中國中部全體523位國三男性學生為對象進行身高與體重之量測後,篩選出BMI符合教育部所訂定之過重標準(BMI>PR95以上),再行施以分組確定其身體質量脂數符合各組之標準,再以隨機方式抽取正常、過重與肥胖之學生各25名進行PACER檢測,檢測前先行測量休息時之心跳數值,受測者並配戴心跳監視錶(polar)紀錄測試PACER運動前、運動中、運動結束及運動後1~3分鐘之心跳數值以每5秒記錄一次。 本研究所得之PACER趟數、總作功及施測前、中、後的心跳數值藉由單因子變異數分析及二因子混合變異數分析觀察正常體位、過重體位及肥胖體位者間的差異並以p< .05為顯著差異。 研究結果發現 :正常、過重與肥胖組之國中男性學生在PACER施測過程中,正常組跑的平均趟數(41.36 ±9.28趟)明顯大於過重組(30.04 ±9.98趟)與肥胖組(25.40 ±9.02趟)p< .05;總作功方面正常組平均作功(49918.40±12579.49焦耳)與肥胖組(40420.80±13177.49焦耳)達顯著差異;施測前正常組平均心跳數(83.36±11.03)優於過重組(92.16±15.50)與肥胖組(92.92±11.64)p< .05;施測結束及結束後1至3分鐘正常、過重與肥胖組在心跳的數值與回復速率上沒有顯著差異,只有在PACER測驗開始後的第1-2分鐘的心跳變化及第1-2分鐘心跳上升速率達顯著差異。ABSTRACT Healthy problems caused by the obesity have become more and more serious in wealthy Taiwan. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of different weight on heartbeats of normal and overweighed male junior high school students, whose ages were 15 and both height and weight met or went behind the BMI standards set by the Ministry of Education, in the period of PACER exam. Before the PACER exam, 523 male third-grade students at Shulin Junior High school in Taipei County were under the measures of height and weigh first. Male students with BMI met the standards of overweight (BMI > PR95) were selected at random and divided into normal group, overweight group, and obese group. There were 25 students in every group. These tests with Polar watch had their heartbeats measure before, during, and after the exam, and the heartbeats after the exercise 1 to 3 minutes were measured by per 5 minutes. The recording statistics of PACER laps, total work, and heartbeats before, during, and after exam were analyzed through One way ANOVA and General Linear Model to investigate the differences among normal students, overweight students, and the obese students with p<.05 as the level of significant difference. And results were as following. First, during the PACER test, the average laps of normal students (41.63 + 9.28 laps) was significantly more than the overweighed students’ (30.04 +9.98 laps) and the obese students’ (25.40 + 9.02 laps) ,p <.05. Second, in total work, there was an obvious difference in the average work between the normal group (49918.40 + 12579.49 joule) and the obese group (40420.80 + 13177.49 joule). Third, before the PACER exam, the average heartbeats of the normal students (83.36 + 11.03) were lower than the overweighed group (92.16 + 15.50) and obese group (92.92 + 11.64) ,p<.05. Forth, there was no significant difference in the heartbeats and recovering speed among the normal students, overweight students, and obese students after the test first to the third minutes except the significant differences in changes of heartbeats at the first to the second minute during the test and the heartbeats rising speeds at the first and the second minutes during the test.心跳肥胖程度PACER不同肥胖程度國中男生PACER運動心跳變化之研究