廖明珠王宏均2014-10-272014-10-272009-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/12266本文探討高中英語教師與學生對文法教學及錯誤修正上認知的差異,研究對象為41位高中教師及371位高中生,分別來自臺灣北、中、南、東部及外島各一所高中,採用問卷及電話訪問收集資料。本研究者以Schulz(2001)的研究為藍本,並參照Borg (1998)提出六大教師文法教學行為設計問卷,將教師問卷及學生問卷擴充至七大項:錯誤分析、母語的使用、文法術語的使用、文法與溝通能力、文法規則、文法練習、錯誤修正。研究結果顯示高中教師及學生對於文法教學及錯誤修正的認知有所不同,尤其是在教學語言的使用、文法練習活動及錯誤修正的需要。研究者隨後與15位教師及32位學生進行電話訪談,以深入了解雙方造成認知上差異的因素。根據研究結果,本研究提出關於課堂上文法教學及錯誤修正的教學意見,期望能幫助教師與學生達成更高的教學效益。本文最後亦提出對文法教學採用「語言形式教學」(focus-on-form approach)的建議。This comprehensive study investigates differences in EFL teacher and student perceptions regarding the role of grammar instruction and error correction in improving English language competency. The participants were 41 high school teachers and 371 high school students, recruited from five schools in Taiwan. Data were collected from questionnaires and telephone interviews. Based on Schulz (2001) and Borg (1998) and modified by the researchers, the questionnaires for students and teachers consisted of seven focal categories, including error analysis, reference to students' L1, grammatical terminology, grammar and communicative ability, grammar rules, grammar practice, and error correction. Results indicated that the perspectives high school students and teachers had towards various aspects of grammar instruction and error correction diverged on several points, most markedly in instructional language, grammar practice activities, and the necessity of error correction. Subsequent telephone interviews with 15 teachers and 32 students were conducted to elicit further information resulting in the perceptual differences. Based on the findings, pedagogical implications are provided to bridge the gaps between EFL students and teachers in grammar instruction and error correction. Finally, the idea of a focus-on-form approach in EFL classrooms is suggested.認知差異文法教學錯誤修正Perception differenceGrammar instructionError correctionPerception Differences of EFL Teachers and Students in Grammar Instruction and Error Correction高中教師與學生對於文法教學及錯誤修正之認知差異