吳白琦2014-10-272014-10-272005-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/16038作者以89 和90 學年度的經驗,說明資源班教學:(1)數學教學:視學生程度,簡化或加深教材,老師講解要清晰,鼓勵學生回答問題。務必給學生作業,並評量其學習成效;(2)共勉時間:透過「共勉時間」,老師講各額故事,不但使學生能有見賢思齊的對象,也得到生物、歷史、地理、健教、體育、生活時事等方面的知識,甚至也思考親子關係,體會父母用心。另外也設計相關數學題,讓得學生練習,培養其解決問題的能力;(3)輔導個案:a.給予平衡等訓練;b.與家長、導師密切聯繫;c經常實施個別談話;d.改善其人際關係;e.積極介入問題行為處理。The author described his tactics used in math classes in resource room during two school years. His experiences were mainly in 3 sections: (1) In math classes, he simplified teaching materials, encouraged students to do their homework, and assessed their achievement regularly; (2) In sharing time, the encouraged students to reflect on the stories he told and connected to their real-life situations; and (3) He helped corrected the behaviors of some students, and kept in touch with other teachers and parents, so that the important others could keep concordant paces.教學策略資源Teaching tacticsResource room資源班教學經驗談My Tactics of Teaching Math in Resource Room