黃國義Kuo-Yi Huang黃俊偉Chun-Wei Huang2019-09-052005-7-122019-09-052005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069030038%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104794桌球比賽分段指標評估法之修正研究 -以93年全國大專運動會甲組桌球單打為例- 研究生:黃俊偉 指導教授:黃國義 摘 要 本研究目的在探討桌球單打比賽分段指標評估法之修正,藉以提供國內從事桌球訓練與評估之參考。本研究以93年全國大專校院運動會甲組桌球單打選手,男37人,女20人為研究對象,以桌球單打比賽紀錄表為研究工具,將95場比賽,計190筆資料,以混合設計二因子變異數分析進行統計分析,所得結論如下: 一、發長球的使用會影響分段指標評估結果的真實性,使發球搶攻段得分 率與使用率增加。修正後可正確評估發球搶攻段得分率與使用率,而不受發球型態不同影響。 二、發長球會使接發球搶攻段之非選擇性起板增加,而影響該段評估的正 確性,修正後則可正確的呈現接發球搶攻段主動搶攻的得分率與使用 率。 三、去除長球後對分段指標評估之影響,主要在發球搶攻段與接發球搶攻 段,並不影響相持段的評估。 針對研究結果,本研究提出以下建議: 一、使用分段指標評估時,應將長球去除才符合真實的接發球搶攻段使用 率。 二、在訓練或評估選手能力時,對於長球的處理能力應該要有所區隔,才 能評估出選手真正搶攻能力,並做為選手能力的指標。 關鍵詞:桌球、分段指標評估法、大專甲組。The Study on Modification of Table Tennis Stage Skill Assessment -In Example of Table Tennis Singles(Group A) in Intercollegiate Athletic Competitions in 2004 Student:Chun-Wei Huang Advisor:Kuo-Yi Huang Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the modification of table tennis stage skill assessment in order to provide more information for table tennis training and assessment in our nation. In this study, the subjects were 37 male and 20 female players of table tennis singles(Group A)in Intercollegiate Athletic Competitions in 2004, and the tool used by the researcher was stage skill assessment recording form. There were 95 games and 190 data which were analyzed through two-way analysis of variance(between-within design). The results were as follows. 1. Long-serve would influence the authenticity of the results of stage skill assessment and would increase scoring and using percentage of serve-then aggress part. Modified assessment correctly measured scoring and using percentage of serve-then-aggress part without the impact of different serving types. 2. Long-serve increased the compelling aggress in receive-then-aggress part, and therefore it influenced the results of stage skill assessment. Modified stage skill assessment helped correctly present scoring and using percentage of actively aggress in receive-then-aggress part. 3. Modified stage skill assessment which excluded long-serve influenced mainly on serve-then-aggress and receive-then aggress part, not on rally part. Suggestions of the current study were as follows. 1. When stage skill assessment was utilized, long-serve should be excluded in records. Thus, correct using percentage of receive-then-aggress part could present. 2. In assessing or training a player, how to handle long-serve should be discriminated so that his or her ability to aggress could be truly measured as an index of one’s competence. Key words:Table tennis, Stage Skill Assessment, Intercollegiate Athletic Competitions group A桌球分段指標評估法大專甲組Table tennisStage Skill AssessmentIntercollegiate Athletic Competitions桌球比賽分段指標評估法之修正研究The Study on Modification of Table Tennis Stage Skill Assessment