賀安娟Ann Heylen陳楷峯Chen, Kai-Feng2023-12-082022-07-192023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/73e4f4882cc4db89587a04e3029460de/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119834吳守禮(1909-2005)在臺灣語言及文獻學的研究領域留下相當豐富的學術成果,尤其是在閩南語傳統戲曲文獻《荔鏡記》的研究方面,吳氏針對各版本的早期戲文進行校勘與重建,並且對文獻中收錄的語詞進行分類,進一步進行語源的考證,嘗試釐清這些詞彙所呈現的「歷時性」與早期文獻之間的關係。另一方面,則將俗字、借字混雜的戲曲文獻,經整理之後成為可被解讀的文本,同時也將各個時代的閩南語文獻,進行細緻的版本比對工作。吳守禮在日本時代進入臺北帝國大學,接受東洋文學科的學術訓練,在教授的引領之下,對「漢文的科學研究」有相當深刻的理解。吳氏的研究方法,承襲日本京都派的考證學風,並以他在學院所累積的學術經驗為基礎,將研究的目標逐漸轉向閩南語的歷史研究。吳氏透過閩南詞彙的「音字脫節」現象,嘗試將早期語言文獻中的文字記錄,與現代的語音兩者建立語源關係,並由此探究詞彙的讀音及語義的演變情形。本文的研究課題,在於考察吳守禮的研究方法與學術觀點。因此必須先以歷史研究法,重建吳氏早年的求學歷程,包括他所接受的學術訓練以及他從日治到戰後所累積的研究成果。然後分別從早期戲曲文獻的研究、文獻曲詞及音韻文獻的分析,以及閩南詞彙的語源考證,觀察吳氏的研究論述以及他對語言資料的使用情形。並根據前幾個章節的討論與分析,發掘吳守禮的學術成就所呈現的特點。Wu Shou Li (1909-2005)’s academic achievements in the field of Taiwanese language and philology are extraordinary. Especially with regard to the research on the Hokkien documents of the traditional opera"Li Jing Ji", Wu collected and reconstructed various versions of the early opera texts, and classified different kinds of its vocabularies. His research further comprised textual research on the etymology, clarification of the relationship between the vocabulary "diachronicity" and the early opera texts of the Hokkien literature, as well as the classification of the "Li Jing Ji"’s mixture of common and borrowed characters into readable texts, followed by a comparative study of these versions ofHokkien documents published in different historical epochs.Wu Shou Li entered Taipei Imperial University during the Japanese colonial period, and received an academic training in oriental philology. Wu's research methods inherited the textual research style of the Kyoto School. This academic experience prepared him to gradually shift his research purpose toward historical research of the Hokkien language. Focusing on what is known as "the disjunction of phonetic and character" in these Southern Hokkien vocabularies, Wu attempted to establish an etymological relationship between the written records in early documents and modern phonetics, as to explore the historical development in pronunciation and vocabulary semantics.This thesis investigates Wu Shou Li's research methods and his academic viewpoints. Chapters reconstruct Wu's early years of study experience, including the academic training he received and the researches he accumulated from the Japanese era to the post-war period, using the method of historical research. Special attention is paid to Wu's methods and discussions in his analysis of early opera literature, occurrence of rhyme words, and the etymology about the vocabularies of Southern Hokkien. The final chapter evaluates previously mentioned discussions on Wu’s usage of language materials and his linguistic analysis, as to delineate the features of Wu Shou Li's academic works and his contribution to the study of the Hokkien language.吳守禮閩南語文獻學考證學語源學Wu Shou LiSouthern HokkienPhilologyTextual ResearchEtymology吳守禮的閩南語文獻學及詞彙考證方法之研究The Research about Wu Shou Li's Philology of Southern Hokkien and the Method of Etymologyetd