周賢彬Chou, Shyan-Bin藍婉甄Lan, Wan-Jhen2023-12-082027-08-182023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/c9af95563d6cce8efa2eb24e6943b866/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/121214在台灣傳統文化之下,性及性別教育依然是許多家長難以啟齒的事,家長不會教,甚至不願意談論,而使用圖畫書來輔助多元性別教育就是其中一個比較溫和的管道,透過親子共讀,除了幫助家長與孩童有更良性的溝通,讓性別教育不再是台灣傳統文化下羞於啟齒的事,透過故事情節與插圖,讓孩子更容易理解並尊重不同性別取向的存在。本研究透過瞭解圖畫書的特質與表現形式,是否會影響社會大眾對於多元圖畫書的購買意願,研究結果顯示社會大眾對於圖畫書的特質與表現形式的重視度在多元性別圖畫書的購買意願上有顯著影響,多元性別相關議題的認同度與瞭解度也會影響多元性別圖畫書的購買意願。期盼本研究能加強社會大眾更加瞭解多元性別圖畫書在多元性別教育上的意義與價值,消除因不瞭解導致的偏見與歧視,創造多元和諧共處的社會環境In Taiwan's traditional culture, sex and gender education is still something that many parents find difficult to talk about, and parents do not teach it or are even reluctant to talk about it. Through storylines and illustrations, children can more easily understand and respect the existence of different gender orientations. This study was conducted to find out whether the characteristics and expressions of picture books affect the public's willingness to purchase diverse picture books. The results of this study showed that the public's emphasis on the characteristics and expressions of picture books had a significant effect on the willingness to purchase diverse gender picture books, and the recognition and understanding of gender-related issues also affected the willingness to purchase diverse gender picture books. It is hoped that this study will enhance the public's understanding of the meaning and value of multigender picture books in multigender education, eliminate prejudice and discrimination due to lack of understanding, and create a social environment where diversity and harmony can coexis.圖畫書繪本設計多元性別多元性別教育picture bookpicture book designgender diversitygender diversity education插畫應用於多元性別教育圖畫書創作研究Design and creation of picture book illustrations in gender diversity educationetd