柯皓仁Hao-Ren Ke賴雅柔Ya-Jou Lai2019-08-282013-08-012019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698150144%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89298發展特色館藏資源是大學圖書館建立館藏資源特色和亮點的一種方法,藉此 樹立自身館藏的獨特性,透過發展特色館藏能幫助圖書館從眾多資訊提供者中脫穎而出。本研究旨在於探討臺灣地區大學圖書館特色館藏發展,希望揭露國內大學圖書館已發展的特色館藏資訊,由擁有相關發展經驗的圖書館分享發展過程以及心得,包括特色館藏發展動機、建立過程、類別、影響發展的因素、可能產生的作用、典藏管理、利用方式和推廣行銷模式,提供擬規劃發展特色館藏的圖書館參考。 本研究採用質性研究方法,透過半結構式深度訪談與問卷進行資料蒐集,共 計有 28 所大學圖書館參加問卷填答,邀請 25 位服務於其中 16 所大學圖書館的圖書館館員為深度訪談的受訪者,研究結果發現:(1)促成國內大學圖書館發展特色館藏的三大緣由為:學校性質繼承原有資源、配合上級指示與計畫專案經費挹注。(2)多數圖書館的館藏發展政策會涵蓋特色館藏的發展方式,在選擇資訊來源上,接受專業推薦跟透過受贈的方式增加特色館藏資源的比例較高;(3)大學圖書館已發展的特色館藏類別以學科主題、資料形式和歷史時期為最常見的三種類別。(4)館舍空間、經費和人力是影響圖書館發展特色館藏的主要三大因素。(5)提升館藏的質與量,有助於滿足讀者深度的資訊需求是受訪者公認建立特色館藏的最佳誘因,但可能因而導致忽略一般館藏的發展。(6)國內大學圖書館對特色館藏的典藏管理在人員編制、展示陳列或索書號格式使用仍未有一致的作法,各館採用不同的管理方式,同一所圖書館也可能會有數種方式併行。常見的典藏管理方式是採行與一般館藏相同的模式、將特色館藏集中陳列與利用特藏號來標示特色館藏。(7)國內大學圖書館多數限制讀者僅能在館內使用特色館藏,且不因為使用者身份差異而提供差別的利用服務,但仍有一些特色館藏會因為使用者身份或資源特殊性而有不同的利用方式。(8)行銷特色館藏常見的管道是透過圖書館網站宣傳,為了讓推廣活動更具多樣性,也會配合舉辦動態活動。Through the development of special collections, university libraries may be able to introduce certain characteristics, highlights and uniqueness into their holdings. This thesis attempts to investigate the development of special collections in Taiwan’s university libraries, and examines special collections that have already been established. This is done by recording the insights and development processes of some libraries that have experiences in developing special collections, including their development motivation, the establishment process , current status, factors affecting development, possible effects, and collection management, use and promotion. This thesis adopts the qualitative research approach, and the data were collected through conducting semi-structured in-depth interviews and questionnaires. Twenty eight libraries participated in the questionnaire survey, and twenty five librarians from sixteen of the university libraries were interviewed in depth. The findings of this thesis are as follows: (1) The three major reasons that contribute to the development of special collections in university libraries are: the inheritance of existing resources, superiors’ instructions and project funds. (2) In many libraries, the collection development policies include special collections development. The acquisition methods for special collections are similar to those of general collections, including the suggestions of faculty members and acquisition through exchange and gifts. (3) The three most common development types of special collections are subject disciplines, material formats and historical periods. (4) According to literature review and respondents from interviews and questionnaires, the three major factors that influence the development of special collections are library space, budgets and staff. IV (5) According to the respondents, the biggest incentives for the development of special collections include enhancing the quality and quantity of the collection, and helping answer more in-depth information demands. However it may also lead to the neglect of the development of general collections. (6) There are no standard rules for special collections management in staff, display and classification in university libraries. Each library uses a different management style, and the same library may have a number of management styles. Usually, libraries use the same management rules for special collections and general collections, although the special collections are kept together on display and are marked by special codes. (7) Special collections are almost always limited to library use only. And due to the concept of resource sharing, most university libraries provide equal access to their special collections for both internal and external patrons. However,some special collections are accessed in different ways because of user identification or the characteristics of collections. (8) Using library websites is the most common way to promote special collections. Sometimes libraries also plan promotional activities to create more diversity in their marketing.大學圖書館特色館藏館藏發展University LibrariesSpecial CollectionsCollection Development臺灣地區大學圖書館特色館藏發展之研究A Study of the Development of Special Collections in Taiwan’s University Libraries