呂建政博士楊子妮Yang Tzu-Ni2019-08-282006-2-162019-08-282006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0591071015%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88182本研究旨在了解臺北市女童軍服務員對專業知能之認知、覺知與需求,以期研究結果對臺北市女童軍服務員的專業知能成長有所助益。同時,依據研究結果與發現提出建議事項,提供未來女童軍服務員專業知能訓練與研習課程發展之參考。 本研究採「文獻分析法」與「調查研究」兩種方式,研究對象以臺北市女童軍團的服務員為範圍,但未包括各團的團務委員以及臺北市女童軍會的會務工作人員。 本研究之調查工具採用自編的「女童軍服務員專業知能與需求調查問卷」,內容包含「女童軍服務員專業知能之認知」、「女童軍服務員專業知能之覺知」以及「女童軍服務員專業知能之需求」三部分。在資料統計方面,以次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差來分析女童軍服務員的個人基本資料、受試女童軍服務員對專業知能的認知、具備專業知能之現況及對專業知能需求的情形;以相關分析與單因子變異數分析來分析女童軍服務員對專業知能的認知和對專業知能的覺知是否因不同背景因素(年齡、職業、擔任童軍職務、擔任服務員年資、擔任服務員前的童軍年資)的不同而有所不同。 依據研究結果,結論如下: 一、女童軍服務員需具備之專業知能 (一) 女童軍服務員須具備之專業知能計有「女童軍運動的認識與了解」、「女童軍的訓練與活動」、「女童軍相關技能」以及「團的經營與管理」四個面向。 (二)女童軍服務員對專業知能之認知,會因本身的職業不同,而在「女童軍訓練與活動」部分有所差異。 二、台北市女童軍服務員專業知能之覺知 (一)台北市女童軍服務員對於自己所具備之專業知能呈現高度的自我肯定。 (二)女童軍服務員對專業知能之覺知,服務年資以及擔任服務員之前的童軍年資愈久,在「對女童軍運動的認識與了解」部分有愈高的自我肯定。 (三)女童軍服務員對專業知能之覺知,擔任服務員之前的童軍年資愈久,在服務員童軍知能的四個面向均有愈高的自我肯定。 三、台北市女童軍服務員專業知能之需求 (一)女童軍服務員認為活動時間的長短以半天到一天為宜,並且在星期六上午或下午最適合。 (二)女童軍服務員對各項研習內容均有需求,其中以「訓練與活動」部分需求最高。 (三)女童軍服務員對研修章與專科章之研習內容具有強烈的需求。 (四)女童軍服務員之職業為學校教職員者,對專業知能之需求較小。 (五)女童軍服務員對專業知能的需求,會因為在團內擔任不同職務而有不同的需求。 (六)服務年資不同的女童軍服務員,對專業知能之需求不同。 (七)擔任服務員前的童軍年資不同之女童軍服務員,對專業知能之需求不同。 最後依據研究結果歸納之結論,分別對中華民國女童軍總會、台北市女童軍會、台北市女童軍服務員,以及後續相關研究者提出具體參考的建議。The objective of this study is to understand the recognition, current situation and needs of girl scouts leaders’ professional competence in Taipei. Their professional competence will be expected as well. The final result provides useful information for girl scouts leaders training or other study courses. A questionnaire was used to collect information. The objects of the general investigation are girl scouts leaders in Taipei. 157 objects were asked to fill out the questionnaire and sent it back. The valid questionnaires are 110 out of total 157. After the statistic analysis and data sorting, the research comes up with below results. Conclusion: 1. Girlscout leaders’ professional competency (1) Asgirl scouts leaders, their professional competence must include “the knowledge of girl scouts movement”, ”the training and activities of girl scouts”, ”girl scouts skills”, and ”management of a girl scouts troop”. (2)It depends on the girl scouts leaders’ job for their recognitions in the training and activities of girl scouts. 2. Taipei girlscout leaders’ current situation (1)Girl scouts leaders in Taipei have highest self-affirmation with their professional competence. (2)The longer service and scout years, the higher girl scouts leaders’ self-affirmation in “the knowledge of girl scouts movement”. (3)The longer scout years, the higher self-affirmation in four projects of girl scouts leaders’ professional competence. 3. Taipei girlscout leaders’ requirements (1)Girl scouts leaders consider that activities time would be better in half day to one day, and it is the most suitable on Saturday morning or in the afternoon. (2)Girl scouts leaders have needs in every study courses, and the highest need is “training and activities”. (3)Girl scouts leaders have highest needs with the study courses of badges. (4)When girl scouts leaders’ job are school teachers, their needs of professional competence are fewer. (5)According to the different roles in a troop, service years, and scout years, their needs of professional competence are different. Finally, this research made several suggestions to Girl Scouts of Taiwan, Taipei Girl Scouts Council, Taipei girl scouts leaders and the future research.童軍服務員專業知能需求scoutleaderprofessional competencyneed台北市女童軍服務員專業知能與需求之研究Taipei Girl Scouts Leaders’ Professional Competence and Requirements.