劉惠美Liu, Huei-Mei丁政本Ting, Cheng-Pen2022-06-082022-02-082022-06-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/589b17e3aa460f043809dc20265ab3b8/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118036國中資源班為目前身心障礙學生接受特殊教育的主要方式之一,亦為國中階段融合教育主要的施實模式。本研究探討接受國中資源班直接教學服務之特殊教育學生在資源班的學習投入與其幸福感之間的關係。資源班學習投入包含「行為投入」、「情緒投入」、「認知投入」以及「投入動力」等四個面向;幸福感包含「情緒幸福感」、「心理幸福感」以及「社會幸福感」等三個面向。本研究以公立國民中學七年級至九年級領取鑑定輔導安置委員會核可之特殊教育學生鑑定證明學生為研究對象。預式樣本以立意取樣選取新竹縣市共 134 位身心障礙學生,正式樣本採叢集取樣,選取臺北市、新北市與桃園市共 17校 324位身心障礙學生。研究工具為研究者編修之「資源班學習投入量表」與「幸福感量表」,測量國中資源班學生學習投入以及幸福感,並以 SPSS 20與 AMOS 23進行描述統計、多變量變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關與路徑分析,研究結果如下:一、 國中資源班學生於資源班學習投入之平均數由高至低依序為「行為投入」、「情緒投入」、「投入動力」以及「認知投入」。二、 國中資源班學生幸福感之平均數由高至低依序為「情緒幸福感」,「社會幸福感」以及「心理幸福感」。三、 國中資源班學生於資源班學習投入未具性別和年級差異;但受障礙類別影響,智能障礙學生在「情緒投入」高於其他障礙類別學生,且智能障礙學生「投入動力」也顯著高於學習障礙學生。四、 國中資源班學生的幸福感未具有年級和障礙類別差異;但受性別影響,男生在「情緒幸福感」的感受高於女生。五、 資源班整體學習投入和整體幸福感之間具有高度正相關,而學習投入與幸福感各面向間則有低度到中度相關。六、 資源班整體學習投入與整體幸福感間為相互預測之關係,且情緒投入與投入動力面向能預測幸福感,心理幸福感也能預測資源班的學習投入。研究者根據上述研究結果提出相關建議,提供國中資源班教師、行政人員以及特殊教育研究者參考。The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the students’ learning engagement and well-being in junior high school resource room. A total of 324 students with special needs from middle school resource room in the northern Taiwan participated in this study. The researcher used self-designed “Learning Engagement Scale” and “Well-Being Scale” to assess both students’ engagement in resource room (includes behavioral engagement, emotional engagement, cognitive engagement, and agentic engagement) and well-being (includes emotional well-being, psychological well-being, and social well-being). To analyze the data, the researcher conducted Factor Analysis, MANOVA, Pearson correlation and Path Analysis using SPSS and AMOS softwares. The results of this research were as follows:(1). The average scores of learning engagement subscales from high to low were behavioral engagement, emotional engagement, agentic engagement, and cognitive engagement.(2). The average scores of well-being subscales from high to low were emotional well-being, social well-being, and psychological well-being.(3). There was no gender or grade difference in students’ learning engagementin middle school resource room, but individual students’ learning engagementwas affected by their type of disability. Furthermore, students with intellectual disability in resource room had higher emotional engagement than students with other disabilities, and students with intellectual disability also showed higher agentic engagement in resource room than students with learning disability.(4). There was no grade or types of disabilities difference, but the gender difference was significant showing that boys perceived more emotional wellbeing than girls.(5). There was a high positive correlation between learning engagement and well- being. It was shown that various aspects of engagement and well-being had low to moderate correlations.(6). The relationship between students’ engagement in resource room and wellbeing was a mutual prediction. The emotional engagement and agentic engagement would influence individuals’ well-being, and the psychological well-being also exhibits influence on learning engagement.According to the results, the researcher made several suggestions for resource room teachers, school administrators, and special education researchers on improving students’ learning engagement and well-being.幸福感國中資源班學習投入junior high school resource roomlearning engagementwell-being北區國中身心障礙資源班學生學習投入與幸福感之研究A study of learning engagement and well-being for students with special needs in junior high school resource room in northern Taiwan學術論文