陳怡靜Chen, Yi-ching陳威凱Chen, Wei-Kai2019-09-032022-12-312019-09-032017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060471035H%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96418現今,服務業在台灣已經是非常重要的產業,對國內經濟成長扮演著重要角色。而服務業所販賣的是一種無形的商品,其產品產生過程是經由服務提供者與顧客的互動來進行,而與顧客建立良好關係,提供服務以獲取利潤,是產業最大目標;然而,近年來難纏顧客的行為層出不窮,造成第一線服務人員情緒上一定程度的影響,而組織如何處理難纏顧客,並管理員工情緒問題,亦成為組織重要課題。 本研究以經國家普通考試合格且具帶團經驗之旅遊業「領隊人員」為對象,共發出210份問卷,回收199份,均為有效問卷,有效回收率達94.7%;研究結果顯示,難纏顧客行為對於表層演出有顯著正向關係;工作熱情對於難纏顧客行為與深層演出有強化之調節效果。本研究亦將顧客難纏行為分為六大類型,實證結果發現「永不滿足型」與「事後抱怨型」之難纏顧客行為與表層演出有顯著關係。 根據本研究結果,提出企業組織於招募甄選與教育訓練之相關建議,並可建立完善之顧客難纏行為配套系統,強化其應變能力,以期減少領隊人員之情緒勞務負荷,提升服務品質,增進企業組織之營運效益。Nowadays, the service industry in Taiwan is already a very important industry,which plays an important role in Taiwan economic growth.And the service industry is selling an invisible commodity, the product production process is through the service provider and customer interaction to carry out.Thus,establishing good relationship with customers and providing services to obtain profits, is the industry's major goal.However,jaycustomer behavior is happening in recent years,resulting a certain degree of personal emotional impact on the first line service staff. And how the organization sloving the jaycustomer behavior, managing the staff emotional problems, are the important issue for organization. In this research, the main research objects are the "tour leader" of the tourism industry, which is qualified by the national general examination and also has the practical experience.This study adopted the convenience sampling method to send 210 questionnaires and collect a total of 199 questionnaires from tour leaders, all of which were valid, the validity rate being 94.7%.The research results showed that jaycustomer behavior has a significant positive relationship to surface acting.The work passion for the jaycustomer behavior and deep acting has the strengthen moderating effect.This study also divides jaycustomer behavior into six types, the empirical results show that the ‘Insatiable type’ and ‘Afterwards Complain type’ have a significant positive relationship to surface acting. According to the results of this study, the paper puts forward the relevant suggestions of the enterprise organization in recruiting selection and education training. This study suggest the organization establishing a complete jaycustomer management system, strengthen its resilience in order to reduce the emotional labor load of the tour leader, looking forward to improve the service quality and enhance the operational efficiency of the organization.難纏顧客行為情緒勞務工作熱情JaycustomerEmotional LaborWork Passion難纏顧客行為與領隊情緒勞務之關係:工作熱情之調節效果The Relationship between Jaycustomer Behavior and Tour Leader’s Emotional Labor : The Moderating Effect of Work Passion