季力康Chi, Li-Kang殷翠鳳Yin, Tsui-Feng2023-12-082024-12-312023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/65afb641304c0c595901f29f7fd85baf/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118744這是一篇不孕婦女的自我敘說研究,「不孕症」在觀念與醫療上,近三、四十年間的改變極大,從早年婦女發現不孕,便擔心被貼上極大污名的社會狀態,演變至今醫院及診所中已設有專門科別,日常也成為可公開與人討論的話題。研究者不孕的期間經歷這些不同階段,且在台灣屬於早期接受人工生殖技術治療的患者,故本篇採自我敘說的研究方法,研究對象就是研究者本人。將不孕婦女生理狀態、心情轉變、內心壓力、外尋各種協助,最終成功為人母的經過,鉅細彌遺陳述分享。將1994年到現在,分為四個階段,階段一:突破心結前往檢查,得知不孕後接受多次治療均告敗;階段二: 曾成功受孕但過程中狀況不斷並且併發許多症狀;;階段三:第十四次治療,植入冷凍胚胎順利生下健康的第一個孩子,兩年後自然懷孕,平安產下第二個健康的孩子;階段四:敞開心房公開分享不孕歷程。從結果發現研究對象雖然是婚後才罹患不孕症,但不孕問題可能在青春期就有徵兆,婚後一發現不孕便積極治療,雖然過程中狀況不斷,慶幸當時年紀尚輕身體還能負荷,最終可以成功懷孕生子。研究結果可知不孕症也是一種疾病不需諱疾忌醫,透過人工生殖技術生下來的孩子與自然懷孕生下的孩子並無二致,現今技術日益進步,願意生育的婦女還可以透過凍卵的方式給自己多一項保障與選擇,有不孕疑慮的婦女宜儘早進行檢查,採西醫方式治療不孕症,政府現已提供實質補助,不孕症的醫師、醫療團隊或心理諮商師,必須對不孕症有清楚的認知,以免對患者造成二次傷害。期能激勵不孕婦女在為人母的路上產生持續堅持的毅力,終能夢想成真。This study was a self-narrative of an infertile woman. The concepts and medical approaches to infertility have changed greatly in the past three to four decades. Whereas women who were unable to conceive were stigmatized in the past, infertility is a topic that can be discussed openly in the current society, with departments in hospitals and clinics specializing in the subject. This study adopts a self-narrative research method with the author as the participant as she experienced these different stages during her own journey of infertility and was one of the earliest group of patients to receive assisted reproductive technology in Taiwan. The study describes in detail the changes in an infertile woman's physical state, emotional changes, inner pressure, and external help-seeking processes, and ultimately her successful journey to motherhood. The study is divided into four stages from 1994 until now. Stage one: overcoming mental barriers and undergoing multiple treatments that were unsuccessful. Stage two: successful conception, but with many complications and symptoms. Stage three: the successful implantation of frozen embryos, resulting in the birth of a healthy child, followed by a naturalpregnancy and the safe delivery of a second healthy child two years later. Stage four: openly sharing the infertility journey. The study finds that although the author was diagnosed with infertility after marriage, there were likely signs of infertility during her teenage years. Despite the many challenges she faced during the process, she was fortunate to be young enough to endure the treatments and eventually achieve successful pregnancy and childbirth. The study shows that infertility is a disease that should not be stigmatized, and that children born through assisted reproductive technology are no different from those born naturally. With the advancement in technology, women who wish to have children can also choose to freeze their eggs as an additional option and safeguard. Women with infertility concerns should undergo early examination and treatment, and healthcare professionals and counsellors should have a clear understanding of infertility to avoid causing harm to patients. The study hopes to inspire infertile women to persist in their journey towards motherhood and realize their dreams.不孕症人工生殖技術凍卵試管嬰兒InfertilityAssisted Reproductive TechnologySocial Egg FreezingIn Vitro Fertilization不孕婦女圓夢歷程的自我敘說A Self-Narrative of an Infertile Womanetd