郭靜姿陳文英Wei-In Chen2019-08-282009-9-252019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0591091108%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91578本研究主要探討台北市碧湖國小資優班1-16屆共144名畢業生,了解現況發展和當年課程學習的成效,並分析其個人特質狀況、未來努力目標及對資優教育的看法。使用問卷調查法進行研究,所用工具為自編的「台北市碧湖國小資優班畢業生調查問卷」,所蒐集的資料以次數、百分比、單因子變異數分析等統計方法分析相關研究問題,歸納出研究結果與發現,如下列所述: 一、大學已畢業及正就讀者,有七成就讀公立大學。在國中繼續接受資 優教育的畢業生為25.7%,在高中繼續接受資優教育的比例為 9.7%。 二、已就業職業以工程師為最多;畢業生大多擔任專業性的工作。選擇 工作主要考量原因為工作挑戰性高、志趣相符及發展性高。 三、大多認為在國小資優班的學習對自己是有幫助的,尤其是「加強知 識性學習的廣度」與「培養邏輯及條理的思考能力」「培養彈性及創 新的思考能力」和「啟發多元學習的興趣」。 四、大多認為自己個人特質表現比一般人好,和同儕的互動關係良好; 盡力做好自己份內的事、學習能力比同儕優異、喜歡進行較挑戰性 的學習、做感興趣的事能持續以恆、思想靈活具創意,以「做事有 效率」的個人特質比例最低。 五、九成畢業生認為:滿意當年的資優課程;滿意當時的師生互動;贊 成弟妹就讀國小資優班;有需要在國小階段設立資優班。八成畢業 生認為資優課程應著重思考方法的教學;資優班老師最需具備創新 靈活的思考能力。 根據以上結果,研究者提出結論與建議,以做為教育相關單位、資優班老師、資優生本身及未來研究者的參考。The purpose of this study is to access the effects on the first to the sixteenth academic year gifted classes, total 144 graduates in Taipei Municipal Bi-hu Elementary School, to understand their current life development and the past courses learning influence on their future. In addition, the study also makes analyses of individual traits, their future pursuing goals and opinions about gifted education. The study is conducted by a researcher-implemented “Taipei Municipal Bi-hu Elementary School gifted graduates survey questionnaire” , which collected data based on such statistic methods as frequency distribution, percentage and ANOVA and so on. Outcomes of questionnaires were served to analyze related study questions. The conclusions of study results and discoveries are as follows: 1 Most of the gifted graduates are studying in university now. 70 % attend national universities. 25.7% continue receiving gifted education in junior high school; while 9.7% in senior high school. 2 As far as occupational category is concerned, engineers account for the largest portion. The others serve in the professional fields. The major consideration of choosing the job is due to high challenge, interest and future potential developing possibility. 3 The majority of thegifted graduated consider the learning in elementary school gifted classes very valuable, especially in the learning effects on “enhancing the extent of knowledge learning”, “cultivating logical and organizing thinking ability”, “forming flexible and innovative thinking capability”, and “enlightening diverse learning interests”. 4 The majority of the gifted graduates consider the performances of their personal qualities better than ordinary students. And many of them affirm that they have pleasant interactive relationships with peers. Besides, they will do their parts with all their might, own superior learning ability than their peers, take delight in accepting challenging learning, preserve fulfilling tasks which interest them, have inspiring and elastic thoughts, demand themselves to achieve more outstanding accomplishment and have faith in their over-all performances. Nevertheless, the personal quality in “completing assignments efficiently” scores the lowest. 5 Over 90 % of the graduates think: studying in gifted class of elementary school is of great assistance in future development. They are also satisfied with the gifted courses they received and content with teacher-student interaction. Besides, they also approve of their younger sisters or brothers’ attending gifted classes. It is necessary to establish gifted classes in elementary school. In terms of the gifted courses, 80% think the courses should stress the teaching in thinking methods. In the aspect of teachers’ requirements, graduates give priority to owning the creative and flexible thinking ability. According to the above results, I put forth my conclusion and suggestions, hoping to provide references for the education authorities, gifted-class teachers, gifted students, their parents and future researchers.資優班畢業生追蹤研究gifted classgraduatefollow-up study台北市碧湖國小資優班畢業生之追蹤研究The follow-up study on the gifted graduates from Taipei Municipal Bi-hu Elementary School