潘裕豐張志成CHANG CHIH-CHENG2019-08-282005-2-12019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G00T1091111%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91357摘 要 本研究旨在初探高雄市國中資優生的愛情現況及愛情態度,並探討資優生情緒過度激動特質與愛情相關因素及愛情態度的關係。為達上述之研究目的,本研究以高雄市國中二、三年級藝術才能/一般智能資優班學生為研究對象,就個人因素(性別、年級、班別、戀愛經驗、次數、持續時間長短、認識方式、對象的選擇、目前是否正在戀愛)及家庭因素(父母親的婚姻關係及對子女戀愛的態度)等變項,以「國中資優生愛情態度調查問卷」為研究工具,以問卷調查法來探討資優生的愛情態度,並以卡方、獨立樣本T檢定及皮爾遜積差相關進行資料分析。歸納之研究結果如下: 一、 以整體戀愛經驗情況來看: 1. 有戀愛經驗者佔全體人數27.9%。 2.因同班上課認識者佔有戀愛經驗樣本52.4%。 3.有74.4%之高雄市國中資優生以同校同學為戀愛對象。 4.三年級資優生有戀愛經驗的比例顯著高於二年級資優生。 5.女性資優生有戀愛經驗之比例顯著高於男性資優生。 6.來自其他類型家庭之資優生有戀愛經驗的比例顯著高於來自雙親家庭之資優生。 7.情緒量表得分高分組有戀愛經驗的比例顯著高於低分組資優生。 二、高雄市國中資優生的愛情態度探討(p<.05) 1. 高雄市國中資優生的愛情態度傾向「友伴之愛」。 2.男性資優生在「情慾之愛」、「友伴之愛」、「奉獻之愛」得分顯著高於女性資優生。 3.三年級資優生傾向「遊戲之愛」與「狂熱之愛」。 4.無戀愛經驗者具「現實之愛」;而有戀愛經驗者具「狂熱之愛」與「奉獻之愛」。 5.具情緒過度激動特質者傾向「狂熱之愛」與「奉獻之愛」。 6.戀愛次數為0次者,具「現實之愛」;戀愛次數三次以上者具「狂熱之愛」、「奉獻之愛」。 7.戀愛持續時間愈長,愈具有「狂熱之愛」。 8.目前正在戀愛者具「友伴之愛」、「狂熱之愛」、「奉獻之愛」;而目前無戀愛者則具「遊戲之愛」。 9.來自雙親家庭者比其他類型家庭者較具「現實之愛」。 三、情緒過度激動特質與愛情相關因素探討(p<.05) 1. 情緒量表得分高低與戀愛經驗、戀愛次數、戀愛持續時間、性別有顯著相關或差異。 2.而與年級、就讀班別無顯著相關或差異。 四、資優生的情緒過度激動特質與「情慾之愛」、「友伴之 愛」、「現實之愛」、「狂熱之愛」、「奉獻之愛」愛情態度面向達顯著的正相關。(p<.01) 五、研究者分析影響高雄市國中資優生愛情態度的因素包括:性別、年級、戀愛經驗、戀愛次數、戀愛持續時間、情緒過度激動特質、父母的婚姻關係等七種因素。 關鍵字:資優生、情緒過度激動、愛情態度Abstract The purposes of this study are to investigate the love attitude and current situation of junior high school gifted students, and to explore the relativity between their emotional overexcitability and the love related factors and love attitude. To achieve the goal, samples of this survey are drawn from the second and third grade art and intellectually gifted junior high school students in Kaohsiung City; targeted at their personal changing factors (such as, gender, grade, love experience, class, count of love experience, duration of love, method of knowing his/her pal, samples are currently in a relationship or not, etc.) and family factors (marriage of their parents, parents’ attitude toward students’ love) by using “Gifted Junior High school students’ love attitude” questionnaire, with questionary method and analysis of Chi-square, Independent t-test and K.Pearson’s product-moment correlation. Inference of this research is as following, 1. Analysis from aspect of general love experience, A. 27.9% of students have love experience B. 52.4% of students knew their pals because of attending the same class. C. 74.4% of gifted students from Kaoshiung city have/had relationship with his/her schoolmates. D. Percentage of 3rd grade-gifted students who have love experience is higher than as of 2nd grade students. E. The percentage of female students who have love experience is higher than that of male students. F. The percentage of love experience of those gifted students with high score on emotional scale is higher than that of others with lower score. 2. Inference toward love attitude of gifted students in Kaohsiung city, (p<.05) A. Love attitude of gifted students in Kaohsiung is disposed to “storge”. B. The male students have a higher tendency to hold “eros, storge and agape” attitudes than the female students. C. The 3rd grade students have a higher tendency to hold “ludus and mania” attitude D. Students who have no love experiences have a higher tendency to hold “pragma” attitude. Others with love experiences have a higher tendency to hold “mania and agape” attitude. E. The students with emotional overexcitability charateristic have a higher tendency to hold “mania and agape” attitude. F. Students who no love experiences have a higher tendency to hold “pragma” attitude. Others with love experiences have a higher tendency to hold “mania and agape” attitude. G. Longer duration of love, higher tendency of holding “mania” attitude. H. Those students who are currently in love have high tendency of holding “storge, mania and agape” attitude, for those who are not, they have a higher tendency to hold “ludus” attitude. I. Students from families with parents have higher tendency on holding “pragma” attitude. 3. Inference on emotional overexcitability charactor and love related factors, (p<.05) A. score on emotional scale is significantly related to love experience, counts of love, duration of love. B. which is not significantly relative to students’ class or grade. 4. Characteristic of gifted students’ emotional overexcitability is significantly corelative to hold “ storge, pragma, mania and agape” love attitude. (p<.01) 5. Seven possible factors could make love attitude of gifted / talent junior high school students in Kaohsiung City. They are , gender, grade, count of love experience, love experience, duration of love, marriage of their parents and emotional overexcitability. Keyword: Gifted students, Emotional overexcitability, Love attitude.資優生愛情態度情緒過度激動特質Gifted studentsLove attitudeEmotional overexcitability高雄市國中資優生的愛情態度認知與現況之相關研究