趙惠玲Chao, Huei-Ling喻薈融Yu, Hui-Lung2020-12-102017-08-272020-12-102017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060260006T%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114623本研究以教育部於2014至2015年所推動之《中等學校跨領域美感教育實驗課程開發計畫》第一期之跨領域美感實驗課程教學案例為研究對象,探討以美感做為跨領域核心的課程,其所具有的課程方案、課程實施策略、美感元素應用策略,以及教學現場之其餘議題。透過分析教案的課程理念與意涵、課程建構模式與核心目標,了解跨領域美感課程的實施情形與呈現出的樣貌。在美感的應用策略上,如何透過美感元素,整合各學科的知識,以回應美感輔助學科學習、活化學科的訴求。除此之外,也探討在課程規畫中,所產生出的課程開發面和實務層面的相關議題,期望能以此做為跨領域美感課程研究之理論基礎。 在課程的整體樣貌上,包含學科領域與藝術領域的分布,以及課程設計呈現出多學科統整、與現階段之學習單元結合,以及分離於原教學階段的實施模式。在教學策略與美感應用策略上,教師採用多元的教學策略,並將藝術領域中的知識、情意、技能各方面多樣化的美感元素,運用於課程設計中。在其餘議題上,包含課程的評量、教學時間配合、藝術與學科比例的權衡、課程研發團隊的組成、學校行政配合度,以及教師個人的生活覺察。最後,本研究也對跨領域美感課程未來的發展,以及研究跨領域美感課程可行之面向,予以建議。This study focuses on the cross-disciplinary aesthetic curriculum that were promoted by Ministry of Education in the “Cross-Disciplinary Aesthetic Education Experimental Course Development Plan” in 2014 to 2015, conducting researches into lessons which regard aesthetic as the core of cross-disciplinary. Also it concentrates on their plans of lessons, their curriculum implementation strategies, aesthetic application strategies, and the other issues from teaching scenes. By analyzing the main topic of lesson plans, constructions of curriculum, and principal objectives, this study is written to clarify the real implementation of cross-disciplinary aesthetic curriculum and the results of it. In the strategies of aesthetic, how to use aesthetic elements to combine the knowledge of each subjects and to concur with aesthetic-support education become very important. On top of that, it also discusses about issues in planning and operating stage to which give rise in course plans. This study looks forward as the theory basic of the cross-disciplinary aesthetic curriculum. In the course of the curriculum, the distribution of subject courses and art courses are included. The curriculum design patterns present three modes, including multidisciplinary integration, combination of the current learning units, and separation in the original teaching stage. In the part of teaching strategy and aesthetic application strategy, this study finds out that teachers use a variety of teaching strategies, such as the artistic knowledge, artistic affection, artistic skills, and many kinds of aesthetic elements in the cross-disciplinary aesthetic course plans. This study also explores other topics, inclusive of the assessment of the curriculum, the allocation of teaching time, the balance of art and discipline, the composition of the curriculum development team, the school administration coordination, and the teacher's personal life. Finally, this study also suggests the future development of cross-disciplinary aesthetic courses, and the potential of studying cross-disciplinary aesthetic courses.美感教育美感元素跨領域美感課程跨領域美感教學策略aesthetic educationaesthetic elementscross-disciplinary aesthetic curriculumcross-disciplinary aesthetic teaching strategies中等學校跨領域美感課程教學案例之研究A Study on the Cross-Disciplinary Aesthetic Curriculum at Secondary Schools