趙惠玲Chao Huei-Ling鄭辰穎Jheng Chen-Ying2020-12-102013-7-302020-12-102013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699600029%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115517  臺灣地方文化館在蓬勃發展的情況下,面臨著人力、經費等資源的不足,為提升館方經營成效與地方文化發展,本研究欲探討臺灣地方文化館教育資源之人力資源、物力資源、財力資源與資訊資源之運用現況、方式與困境,並比較受調地方文化館不同背景變項之地區、經營方式與規模的差異情形。為達研究目的,本研究以問卷調查法為主、深度訪談法為輔進行研究。以自編之「臺灣地方文化館教育資源運用調查研究問卷」為研究工具,調查全臺地方文化館,回收之研究樣本共計有117館,回收率85%,因網路問卷設定每一題都必須填答,且回收紙本問卷亦都完整作答,故無作答不完整之問卷,得有效問卷 117份。並把所得的資料利用平均數、標準差、次數分配、交叉表、單因子變異數分析與皮爾森積差相關等統計方法,以及藉由訪談地方文化館之館員充實本研究問卷與結論,根據分析結果提出下列結論: 一、地方文化館教育資源運用現況以「財力資源」不足為普遍之情形,其中尤以「地方文化資產」的經費分配最為缺乏;地方文化館教育資源運用現況會因地區與經營方式的不同有顯著差異,並且在「人力資源」、「物力資源」、「財力資源」與「資訊資源」之間皆有顯著正相關。 二、地方文化館教育資源需求與規劃之方式,認為「針對貴館目標、特色、願景之發展」,為主要評估教育資源需求的方式;人力資源取得來源主要為「志工」;物力資源取得來源主要為「縣市政府單位」;財力資源取得來源主要為「縣市政府單位」;資訊資源取得來源主要為「網路」;教育資源的配置原則主要為「推廣館舍之教育活動」;教育資源使用方式的決策因素主要為「依據館務發展計畫項目使用」;教育資源的評鑑機制主要為「由隸屬指導單位自行評鑑」。 三、教育資源需求與規劃不因地方文化館的地區、經營方式與規模有所差異;在人力資源取得來源、物力資源取得來源、財力資源取得來源、資訊資源取得來源與配置原則會因上述變項而有所不同;使用方式的決策因素與評鑑機制則因地區與經營方式有所差異,但在規模則無不同。 四、地方文化館教育資源運用困境以「人力資源」中「館員一人身兼數職」之狀況影響教育推廣成效為最大阻礙;而在「人力資源」與「物力資源」、「財力資源」之間是無相關,其餘皆有顯著正相關。  While local cultural museums in Taiwan are booming, they are at the same time faced with a shortage of manpower, funding, etc. To enhance the effectiveness in management and local cultural development, the purpose of this study was to investigate the status quo, methods and difficulties in the application of manpower resources, material resources, financial resources, and information resources among the educational resources of local cultural museums in Taiwan and to compare the differences between different backgrounds of local cultural museums, including regions, mode of management and scales. In order to achieve the objective of this study, the principal methodology of this study was questionnaire survey with in-depth interview as a supplement. the data was gathered using a questionnaire named “A Study on the Application of Educational Resources for Local Cultural Museums in Taiwan” which was designed by the investigator specifically for the study. The subjects were local cultural museum in Taiwan. 117 local cultural museums in total completed the questionnaire. After collecting the data, we analyzed proposed the following conclusions by making use of statistical methods, such as average, standard deviation, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson product-moment correlation. And enhance the questionnaire and conclusion by interviewing the staff of local cultural museums. Base on the findings of this study, the results showed as the following: 1. In terms of the application of educational resources in local cultural museum, the shortage of “financial resources” is a common situation. Among them, the fund allocation in “local cultural asset” is particularly the most insufficient. The status quo in the application of educational resources in local cultural museums is remarkably different due to the differences in regions and mode of management. Also, “manpower resources”, “financial resources”, “material resources” and “information resources” all are significantly correlated. 2. In terms of the requirement and planning of educational resources, local cultural museums consider that “the development aimed at museum objectives, characteristics, visions” is the main method to evaluate the requirement for educational resources. The main sources of manpower resources, material resources, financial resources, and information resources are respectively “volunteers”, “county government”, “county government”, “Internet”. The main policy of allocation is “to promote educational activities”. The decisive factor in the use of educational resources is mainly “used based on museums development plan”. The main mechanism of evaluation is “evaluated by superior unit”. 3. Requirements and planning of educational resource didn’t show differences in regard to region, mode of management and scale in local cultural museums, but the main sources of manpower resources, material resources, financial resources, information resources, and allocation principles will be different due to above variables. Decisive factors in the use and mechanism of evaluation will vary with each region and mode of management, but not with each scale. 4. In terms of “manpower resources”, regarding the difficulty in application of educational resources in local cultural museums, “the staff multitasking” is the biggest obstacle in the effectiveness of educational promotion. There is no correlation within “manpower resources”, “material resources”, and “financial resources”, but a positive correlation within the others.地方文化館地方文化館教育教育資源運用Local Cultural MuseumLocal Cultural Museum EducationApplication of Educational Resources臺灣地方文化館教育資源運用之調查研究A Study on the Application of Educational Resources for Local Cultural Museums in Taiwan