李晶Ching Li楊仁山Jen-San Yang2019-09-052014-7-162019-09-052013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060031005A%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107589臺灣籃球運動風氣盛行,不管是各級聯賽或是業餘層級的比賽數量都非常多,也因此需要許多記錄台工作人員。現代化智慧型裝置普及也帶動了微型應用程式App的發展,本研究之目的為探討如何應用微型應用程式App幫助改善籃球記錄台工作人員的工作流程,使得非專業的記錄台人員能更順暢的執行記錄台工作。本研究的研究方法透過文件分析法定義記錄台人員的職責,並透過資料流方法分析記錄台人員工作的資訊流傳送方式,將記錄台人員工作分為比賽前及比賽中及比賽後等三階段,並根據傳送者、接收者、資訊、管道分析,並利用半結構式訪談蒐集各級國家籃球裁判之意見,最後利用Kano二維品質模式分析籃球記錄台工作相關App功能需求。分析結果顯示設計微型應用程式App的主要功能可歸納為:1.計時 2.大會即時連線功能 (記分板、球員資料) 3.球員名單登錄及確認 4.備忘錄 5.錄音及自動播放 6.計算得分與犯規次數7.通知暫停及換人 8.提醒球員失去比賽資格或是進入團隊加罰狀態。研究建議利用分析結果作為設計相關微型應用程式,以符合記錄台人員工作流程的需求與功能。Basketball sport is popular in Taiwan, and there are many basketball games in a year. The popularity of smart devices effected the increasing demand of App.Therefore, developing the appropriate App could improve the efficiency of the table officials’ work on records preservation and transmission.The purpose of this study was to analyze the table officials’ demand of App functions by exploring the working duty and process. This study applied the documentary analysis to classify the table officials’ working process into three stages: before-the-game, on-going and after-the-game. In addition, from data flow analysis, table officials transmitted the data via sender, information context, channel and receiver, and this study applied semi-structure interview method. Finally, this study applied Kano model method to analyze the damand of App functions. The result showed that App functions were emphasized on 1.Time control function; 2.On-line function; 3.Player entry list function; 4. E-memo function; 5. Auto notification function; 6.Record score and foul function; 7.Time-out and substitution remind function; 8. Foul-out and team fouls penalty remind function.The study suggested that the App be developed and created for the needs of the table officials to record and operate more efficiently in the future.APP籃球記錄台Kano二維品質模式APPtable officialsKano model籃球記錄台微型應用程式(App)需求之分析 -以FIBA國際籃球規則為例The research of APP functions for basketball table officials -A case study of FIBA official basketball rules.