陳學志Chen, Hsueh-Chih李依蓉Li, Yi-Jung2024-12-172024-12-082024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/6ef848622b8628aceb4b28dc057b247e/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122499本研究主要係使用PISA 2018臺灣資料以探討國中學生的幸福感與教師支持、學校歸屬感、自我效能之關係,研究樣本為臺灣共有192所學校的7,243名學生參與調查評估,以統計軟體SPSS 27.0進行差異分析、相關分析、以及中介效果分析等量化統計,研究結果如下:國中學生在幸福感方面生活滿意度屬中上程度,然而生命的意義較低;而在幸福感影響因素方面,國中學生感知教師支持較高,但學校歸屬感與自我效能則較低。在幸福感方面,國中男學生的正向情感顯著較低,而國中女學生的生活滿意度和生命的意義則顯著較低;在幸福感影響因素方面,國中男學生感知教師的支持顯著較低,而國中女學生感知的學校歸屬感和自我效能則顯著較低。私立學校之國中學生幸福感影響因素(教師支持、學校歸屬感、自我效能)均顯著較低;而公立學校之國中學生對生命的意義則顯著較低。國中學生的學校歸屬感與正向的情感有顯著較高的正相關,且自我效能與生命的意義有顯著較高的正相關。國中學生的教師支持對其幸福感構念(生活滿意度、正向的情感、生命的意義)均有顯著的直接效果,其學校歸屬感對其幸福感構念(生活滿意度、正向的情感)均有顯著較高的間接效果,且其自我效能對其幸福感構念(生命的意義)有顯著較高的間接效果。This study utilized the PISA 2018 Taiwan dataset to investigate the relationship among well-being and teacher support, school belonging, self-efficacy for junior high school students. The research sample consisted of 7,243 students from 192 schools in Taiwan. Quantitative statistical analyses, including differential analysis, correlation analysis, and mediation analysis, were conducted using the statistical software SPSS 27.0. The research findings were summarized as follows:Regarding the concept of well-being, junior high school students demonstrated a moderate level of life satisfaction, but lower levels of life meaning. In terms of well-being-related factors, students perceived higher levels of teacher support but lower levels of school belongingness and self-efficacy. In the context of well-being, male junior high school students exhibited significantly lower levels of positive emotions compared to female students, while female students reported significantly lower levels of life satisfaction and life meaning. In terms of well-being-related factors, male students perceived lower levels of teacher support, while female students perceived lower levels of school belongingness and self-efficacy. Junior high school students from private schools perceived significantly lower levels of well-being-related factors (teacher support, school belongingness, and self-efficacy). Additionally, students from public schools exhibited significantly lower levels of life meaning and perceived teacher support.There was a significant positive correlation between students' perceived school belongingness and positive emotions. Similarly, students' perceived self-efficacy was significantly positively correlated with their sense of life meaning. Students' perceived teacher support had a significant direct effect on their well-being concept (life satisfaction, positive emotions, and life meaning). Furthermore, students' perceived school belongingness had a significant indirect effect on their well-being concept (life satisfaction, positive emotions) with a higher magnitude. Similarly, students' perceived self-efficacy had a significant indirect effect on their well-being concept (life meaning) with a higher magnitude.幸福感教師支持學校歸屬感學生自我效能PISA2018well-beingteacher supportbelongingnessstudent self-efficacyPISA2018應用PISA 2018探討教師支持對國中學生幸福感之影響:學校歸屬感、自我效能的序列式中介分析Applying PISA 2018 to Explore the Impact of Teacher Support on Junior High School Students’Well-Being: A Serial Mediation Analysis of School Belonging and Self-Efficacy學術論文