張屏生王桂蘭2019-08-292010-1-272019-08-292010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696260127%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93325台北縣淡水鎮是台灣內部少數幾個老同安腔的方言點。本文就聲、韻、調三方面做探討,除了傳統方言學的基礎外,也加入地理語言學的調查,兼顧歷時性與共時性的語言調查。 本文的研究目地如下: 1、紀錄淡水鎮目前的語言音系,並和台北、金門和馬公這三個皆為同安音系的方言點做比較。 2、藉由詞彙的比較,整理出淡水當地特殊的詞彙,還有與其他三個方言點的異同處。挑選出幾個特殊詞彙,做地理語言學的調查並繪製語言地圖。 3、除了語言的調查,也訪問當地的歌謠與俗諺,並重語言與文化的保存。 除了文獻蒐集外,地理語言學調查共計26個特殊詞彙,發音人皆為老年層,共33位發音人。 本文的結論: 1、就音韻特點來看,淡水鎮依舊保留著同安腔的特色,但是略有變動的情形。科韻字與居韻字唸/e/與//,有逐漸朝/e/與/i/移動的跡象;陽平變調唸低平調,但部分詞彙改唸中平調,發現有受到優勢腔的影響。 2、方言地圖配合方言周圈論等其他理論來看,語言的變化多是由都市的中心開始,淡水鎮也不例外,由淡水鎮中心先產生了變化,帶動鄰近里別的變化,而距離都市中心偏遠的地方則較能保留住原始的語音。 3、地域特色詞是因應地區性的不同所產生的,每個地方都有其特殊的文化背景,在歷史與地理的交織縱橫下,往往會有不同於其他地方的特殊詞彙,或是地域性強的特色詞,這樣的地域性特色詞有時也會強過一些被用來判斷漳泉語音的詞彙,打破漳泉地域的界線,是可以蒐集與發展的部分。Tamsui, Taipei County, is one of the old Tang-uann accent, which is seldom inTaiwan. This essay discusses the Tang-uann accent from the points of sound patterns, including initials, rhymes and tones. Along with the basic traditional linguistics, the study makes use of the methods of the fieldwork from the geography of languages, which deals with the distribution through history and space of languages. There are three purposes in the study. First, it records the sound patterns in the Tamsui now and compares the same dialect system of Tang-uann with Taipei, Kinmen and Ma-kong. Second, by comparing the lexicons, it lists special local terms in Tamsui and compares the differences among the three places. It picks out some of the special terms to use for the fieldwork of the linguistic geography and draws maps of the distribution. Besides the sound patterns, it also records the local folklores and sayings, which preserves the language and the culture. It combines the theory and the practical fieldwork as well as the historical study. It gets three results. First, from the points of the sound patterns, Tamsui still preserves the features of the Tang-uann accent with a little changes. The words that rhyme with 科(kho) and 居(ki), which are spoken as /e/ and // separately, are spoken as /e/ and /i/ gradually. The lower first tone is changed into low level tone with some words are changed into mid level tone which is influenced by the dominant accent of Taiwanese. Second, the dialect maps along with the dialect diffusion, the transformation of a language mainly starts from the center part of a city. The phenomenon also occurs in Tamsui. It starts from the center part of the town, which effects its neighborhood. The more far from the center part, the more original sound patterns preserved. Third, the special local lexicons are produced according to the different regions. Every place has its own features of the culture background. Mixing up history and geography, they will produce their own special terms that are different from other places or have territorial terms, which sometimes is stronger than the terms that are used for judging the accents of Chiang-chiu and Chuan-chiu dialects. Those terms break up the boundary of the Chiang-chiu and Chuan-chiu and are able to be collected and developed.同安腔地域特色詞田野調查方言周圈論閩南話Tang-uann accentspecial local termsfieldworkword diffusionSouth Min dialect in Taiwan台北縣淡水鎮閩南話研究The Study of South Min Dialect in Tamsui, Taipei County