謝吉隆鄭宛靜Ji-Lung HsiehWan-Ching Cheng2014-10-272014-10-272012-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15255在家庭結構改變與都市化等社會因素的影響下,臺灣新生兒人數持續下降。相較於上一代的父母,新世代的父母投注更多時間、情感、與財物於子女身上,使得養育子女的資訊需求隨之增多。本研究旨在探究資訊科技發達、資訊量增多、獲取管道多元亦取得容易的當下,學齡前兒童父母如何運用周遭資訊管道去解決其育兒的資訊需求,並探討這些豐富的資訊或多元的管道是滿足了育兒者的需求,或反而導致育兒者陷入「選擇的困境」,因而造成育兒者的資訊焦慮。本研究採用質性訪談方法,以立意取樣邀訪九位受訪者。訪談結果指出,在育兒問題解決的管道選擇上,育兒者會因其個人經驗、社會網絡、與資訊環境,針對不同的問題採用不同的管道,並選擇性或工具性地採用偏好的管道來降低其他管道的眾說紛紜。而現代臺灣育兒者的資訊焦慮來源較少來自資訊缺乏、過量而無法消化、理解落差等,而是被迫在不同性質的管道中選擇。當資訊焦慮獲得解決經常是育兒者己身獲得情緒上的舒緩,而不盡然能解決該育兒問題。The number of newborns in Taiwan continued to decline, possibly due to the changing family structure and urbanization. The phenomenon of low birth rate reminds us of the fact that the new generation of parents will dedicate more time, effort, and resource to their children, thus increasing the needs of parenting information. This study investigated how parents of preschool children made use of various and easily-accessed information channels to solve their parenting problems, and discussed whether such information and channels meet the needs of parents, or oppositely, lead them to the circumstance of “the paradox of choice” and information anxiety. The study also discussed the properties and meanings of information from different channels (e.g., friends, Internet, books, or doctors). Nine participants were selected for a qualitative interview based on the purposive sampling approach. Our results indicated that parents use different information channels according to their personal experiences, social contact, and information environments to solve different types of information problems. Moreover, experienced parents, especially those who have more than one child, tend to ease their information anxiety by seeking information through different channels with instrumental purposes. However, it was also found that the information anxiety of current Taiwanese parents seldom derived from information deficiency or overload, but from the difficult decision to make among multiple channels embedded with informational, structural, and professonal priorities. Moreover, the decisions, not absolutely the most correct ones, are mainly made to ease the parents’ information anxiety. In other words, it is the parents’ anxiety that is solved rather than the parenting problem itself.育兒資訊需求資訊焦慮ParentingInformation NeedInformation Anxiety臺灣學齡前兒童父母之資訊需求類型與資訊焦慮Parenting Information Need and Information Anxiety of Taiwanese Preschool Children’s Parents