新建KaoJim-Gau陳玲玲Chen Lin-Lin2019-08-282007-7-242019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0593002206%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89855摘 要 本研究旨在探討臺北地區國民中學兼任行政職務教師之教學現況、教學困擾狀況、及其遭遇教學困擾的因應方式,包括處理方式、尋求協助對象及尋求協助的內容等,並分析不同背景變項的國民中學兼任行政職務教師之教學困擾狀況及因應方式之差異情形。 為達上述目的,本研究採問卷調查的方法。依照學校規模大小採分層隨機抽樣方式,針對臺北地區484位國民中學兼任行政職務教師進行調查,共回收357份有效樣本。調查資料經描述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析等統計分析後,獲致下列結論: 一、臺北地區國民中學兼任行政職務教師80.7﹪有超鐘點情形,且以超「1~2 節」者為最多。 二、臺北地區國民中學兼任行政職務教師之任教科目安排原因是其教師證登記科目。 三、臺北地區國民中學兼任行政職務教師之教學困擾程度為輕度。 四、不同背景變項臺北地區國民中學兼任行政職務教師教學困擾方面 (一)不同性別、婚姻狀況、師資養成背景、任教科目之臺北地區國民中學兼任行政職務教師教學困擾未達顯著差異。 (二)不同任教年資、及兼行政年資之臺北地區國民中學兼任行政職務教師之教學困擾達到顯著差異,且年資越淺感受教學困擾情形越明顯。 (三)不同職務國民中學兼任行政職務教師之教學困擾達到顯著差異,教師兼組長高於教師兼主任,且以輔導室組長之教學困擾程度顯著高於教師兼主任。 五、臺北地區不同學校規模及地區之國民中學兼行政職務教師教學困擾未達顯著水準。 六、臺北地區國民中學兼任行政職務教師教學困擾之因應方式為向他人請教或與他人討論、及自己尋求解決方法為主;主要協助的對象為校內教師。 根據上述結論,本研究提出以下建議: 一、對國民中學兼任行政職務教師方面:(一)積極參與在職進修,充實教學及行政專業知能。(二)重視教學及工作經驗之輔導與傳承。(三)鼓勵教師行動研究,解決困擾問題。 二、對學校方面:(一)重視學校兼任行政職務教師需求,提供必要的協助。(二)建立學校行政的標準作業流程,減少行政負擔。(三)建立完善輔導制度,便於經驗傳承與分享。(四)重視教師專業,彈性調配任課科目。 三、對師資培育機構方面:(一)多開設教師教學實務之相關課程。(二)配合兼任行政職務教師需求,多提供進修或研習活動。 四、對教育行政機關方面:(一)增加行政人員編制,或減少教師不必要的行政負擔。(二)減少兼任行政職務教師授課時數,減輕教師的工作負擔。(三)主動積極解決教師的教學困擾、建立輔導系統。(四)規劃辦理教學專業進修與行政研習分享機會。 五、對未來研究方面:(一)增加其他縣市或學校層級之研究對象。(二)研究內容增加不同領域教師教學困擾之探討。(三)採用質性研究的方法。 關鍵字:因應方式、兼任行政職務教師、國民中學、教學困擾、臺北地區Abstract The study aimed to investigate into junior high school teachers with administrative teaching practices, instructional troubles and their solutions, includes trouble shootings, counselors available to teachers and the contents of assistance in Taipei area. The researcher attempts to analyze the difference of current difficulties and their solutions among teachers of different backgrounds. To accomplish these purposes, this study has adopted the methods of questionnaire. Questionnaires were given to 484 junior high teachers with administrative in Taipei area; 357 valid. The data were analyzed by means of Description Statistics, T-test, and One-Way ANOVA and the following findings were retrieved. 1. There are 80.7﹪of junior high school teachers with administrative in Taipei area working overtime, particularly one to two lessons. 2. The reason for junior high school teachers with administrative designation to teach a specific subject is their registered subject on teacher’s certificates. 3. Junior high school teachers with administrative in Taipei area only suffer a minor degree of instructional problems. 4. In the aspect of different teachers’ backgrounds as variables toward different instructional problems: a. Teachers with administrative designation of different genders, marital status, teachers’ backgrounds and teaching subjects have insignificant difference in their instructional problems. b. Teachers with administrative designation of different seniority have significant difference, and those of less years of teaching suffer more seriously. c. Teachers with administrative designation of different posts have significant difference in instructional problems; teachers as section heads have more problems than those as deans, and teachers as section heads in the office of consultative affairs suffer most. 5. Teachers with administrative designation of different school sizes and regions in Taipei area have insignificant difference in their instructional problems. 6. Teachers with administrative designation in junior high schools in Taipei area solve their problems by means of consulting or discussing with others and finding solutions on their own; they mainly seek help from colleagues at school. According to the mentioned conclusions above, some suggestions can be made from this research. 1. To junior high school teachers with administrative designation: a. Pursuing further education on the job actively so as to improve instructional practice and administrative knowledge and skills. b. Valuing the counseling and sharing of teaching and working experience. c. Encouraging teachers to conduct action research to solve puzzling problems. 2. To junior high schools: a. Valuing the needs of teachers with administrative designation and offering necessary help. b. Establishing standard procedure for administrative duties so as to relieve the administrative pressure on teachers. c. Establishing proper counseling system to suit the convenience of sharing experience. d. Valuing teachers’ professionalism and allocating subjects in a curriculum flexibly. 3. To the training organizations of teachers: a. Offering courses related to instructional practices. b. Offering plenty of professional studies and seminars according to the need of teachers with administrative designation. 4. To the educational administrative organizations: a. Increasing the number of administrative staff so as to relieve the administrative pressure on teachers. b. Reducing the teaching hours for teachers with administrative designation so as to shed teachers’ work loads. c. Solving the instructional troubles of teachers actively and establishing a counseling system. d. Offering teachers opportunities for further professional studies and seminars sharing views with administrators. 5. To the research of the future: a. Increasing research objects of other county or school levels. b. Including the discussion of instructional troubles of teachers from different fields in the research. c. Adopting qualitative research approaches Key Words:Solutions, Teachers with administrative, Junior high school, instructional troubles, Taipei area因應方式兼任行政職務教師國民中學教學困擾臺北地區SolutionsTeachers with administrativeJunior high schoolinstructional troublesTaipei area國民中學兼任行政職務教師教學現況之研究-以臺北地區為例The Study of Junior High School Teachers with Administrative Posts Instructional Situations in Taipei Area