國立臺灣師範大學應用華語文學系蔡雅薰2014-10-302014-10-302008-10-012070-1977http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/31279華語教材編寫成功與否,不僅直接影響教學品質與效能,更是海外華語教學推廣的重要關鍵。面對現今海外多種華語教材需求的時刻,具備科學性、針對性、實用性及趣味性的華語文教材編寫更顯重要。然而,目前學界對於華語教材編寫基礎原理缺乏全面性學術研究建構;對於如何將華語教材輸出,並與國際主流教育接軌,亦正亟思永續經營與建立通路的策略。 本研究目的主要為僑務委員會(以下簡稱僑委會)在2008年新編美國兒童華語教材進行海外在地華語需求基礎研究,並依據2008年2月新訂之「美國地區兒童華語課程暫行綱要」,針對華語教材研發之「課文情境參考表」作為調查基礎,由美國紐約等12個僑務駐外單位,回收任教於美國各級學校,包括中文學校及主流學校K~12的華語教師填寫的351份有效問卷,依據美國學生需要、學習興趣及華語為外語教學的「5C」思考,對於「課文情境選用」進行交叉分析。研究成果將可提供未來僑委會及產官學各單位研發美國地區華語教材各等級次課文情境重要選用及不同學齡需求先後安排的參考依據。A well design teaching material is one of the key points to successfully satisfy oversea CSL classes. These teaching materials can also be directly influencing teaching quality and its effectiveness in teaching overseas CSL class. It is very important to analyze and design CSL teaching materials to cope and adapt with various needs in over-seas Chinese schools. However, there are neither any research nor papers studies found on CSL teaching material design. It is impossible to promote and broaden our CSL teaching materials industry in lines with international Educational Foundation. The purpose of this research is to conduct a survey in USA and design a new version of CSL teaching materials for their Chinese schools. In order to successfully collect data, the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission requested all their12 branch offices all over USA to conduct a survey in USA. This study consisted of a teacher's survey. The participants were K-12 teachers who taught CSL classes in public, private or Sunday schools in the United States. The contents of the survey consist of multiple choice questions and "situational topics" question to ask those participating teachers to base on 5Cs principles to rank in the order of importance on their students' need, interest, and preference. The result of this research will be used to provide as a reference to design teaching materials for different ages of students to be used in USA.華語教材情境華語課程綱要華語教學ACTFLCEFRCSL teaching materialContext of situationCSL syllabusTeaching Chinese as second language美國各級學校K-12華語教材情境選用研究