吳千華吳湘苹HSIANG PING WU2019-09-052003-07-012019-09-052002http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0068963015%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/102939摘要 在幼兒的世界裡,讓他們在玩樂中快樂地學習成長是很重要的,知覺發展期幼兒的認知發展及學習與環境特性息息相關。然而學齡前幼兒所使用的桌椅,多半由父母、扥育中心的老師或主任擔任選購,幼兒不一定具有決定權,況且幼兒、家長、老師、專業幼教人士與廠商對於幼兒桌椅的觀點也有所差異,如何在其中找出實質上符合幼兒的需求,且能配合相關人士意見的桌椅設計,此課題頗具研究的必要性。 本研究藉由行為觀察法與問卷調查法,針對不同的項度探討相關人士的選擇條件與幼兒需求上差異的現象。研究的方法與流程,主要先經由幼兒的行為觀察法與相關人士的訪談後,歸納出以使用者、環境與產品的關係,對其結果做分析與檢討,深入瞭解作為特定對象使用桌椅的缺失,以期改善幼兒專用桌椅的設計。 觀察與問卷的結果可歸納出下列設計方針:(1)桌椅的材質:以木材為主,其他材料為輔。(2)桌椅的主要功能:提供閱讀、用餐與工作,可依幼兒體型調整桌椅大小,且可配合活動的需要變更桌椅的配置並加以定位。(3)桌椅的附加功能:考慮健康、音樂、工作、語文、社會、科學與遊戲領域的結合。(4)桌椅的造形:考慮經濟效益,以簡潔具組合變化的造形,搭配幼兒喜愛的色彩。研究的最後階段,應用上述設計方針製作完成的桌椅,給幼兒再做一次測試,結果顯示幼兒、老師與家長的接受度尚佳。Abstract It is very important for a child to learn and grow in a fun and friendly environment. The relationship between the environment and the cognitive development of the child is closely related. In many cases, the table and chair for pre-school children are selected by their parents or teachers at the day care center and children themselves do not have the power in the selection process. As for the selection of table and chair, children, parents, teachers, kindergarten teachers and the manufacturers all have different perspectives. It is then important conduct a research on how to select the appropriate table and chair, which will meet the needs of the children and yet it is compliant with professional design. This research in conducted with behavior observation and questionnaires, and based on different perspectives to explore the selection criteria for related parties and also to identify the different needs of children. The methodology and procedure is to first observe children’s behavior and then followed by interviews with related parties. It is then to determine the users and their relationship with the environment and products. Based on such finding, analysis and evaluation is conducted in order to improve the weakness of the current table and chair designs. The results generated from the observation and questionnaires can be classified into the following categories: 1.The material: It should be mainly wood and supported by other materials. 2.The function: It should providereading, dining and working functions. It should also be adjustable according to user’s needs and allows easy arrangement to meet class activities. 3.Additional function: The design should be able to link with the field such as health, music, work, language, society, science and game. 4.The design: It should be economical, simple and variable with children’s favorite colour. In the final stage of the research, table and chair were designed again according to the above feedbacks and then tested on the children. The results were very positive from children, parents and teachers.幼兒學習桌椅幼兒需求行為觀察法認知發展幼兒學習需求導向之桌椅設計研究Research on Chair and Table Designed for children