姚世澤邱淑貞2019-09-062004-7-272019-09-062004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2004000177%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108863本研究旨在探究國中音樂教師對知識管理的認知與相關因素之研究。研究之目的為:探究「知識」與「知識管理」的意涵;瞭解知識經濟時代「知識管理」應用於學校教育的重要性與可行性;探究音樂教師對學校行政落實「知識管理」以及對音樂教學、社團活動的配合程度,與教師個人的知識管理認知及共識情況,作為實施知識管理的參考依據;音樂教學應如何運用「知識管理」的策略,以提昇教學效能,並符合時代之需求,作為未來教學與研究的參考。經相關文獻探討,以研究者自編的「國中音樂教師對知識管理的認知與相關因素之探討」問卷,分層抽樣調查台灣北部六縣市(包含基隆市、台北縣市、桃園縣、新竹縣市)公立國中音樂教師,分送198份問卷,回收143份問卷,其中有效問卷137份,佔69%。調查結果獲致以下結論:一、學校「知識管理」推動的成敗與否,校長為重要的關鍵因素。二、對於「知識管理」的認知、規劃與推動,學校行政措施必須獲得音樂教師充分的認同與共識。三、學校行政單位應建立起彼此尊重與互信的溝通模式,才能達成「知識管理」運作的最大效益。四、知識管理影響音樂教學成功的最重要因素,是音樂教師具備教學專業知能與信念、音樂教師的教學經驗與在職進修,與學校行政單位對音樂專業的支持與配合。五、在知識管理的實施過程中,不能忽略影響音樂教師內隱知識外顯化的因素,以免影響教師積極參與的熱忱。六、學校不能忽略社團活動的重要性,對於音樂社團活動的規劃與師資延聘,應尊重音樂教師專長及需求,審慎研擬社團組訓配套措施。七、音樂教師應主動積極參與網路社群,強化科技的應用與資訊的有效整合,才能突破時空的學習機制,充分掌握教學與研究的資源,增進知識管理能力。八、學校行政對知識管理的認知與實施現況,與整體學校行政對音樂教學與社團的配合度相關性高,為高度顯著的正相關,兩者關係密切。綜合研究結果,本研究提出對教育行政單位的建議:一、設置全國性的知識管理中心,整合各縣市教育資源,提供音樂教師跨縣市知識的分享與交流機制。二、重視都會區與鄉鎮地區資源分配不均的現象,學校應積極推動文化交流活動,有效整合社區資源,發展成為學校的特色。三、擬定中長期計劃,逐年編列充分經費,改善學校音樂教室資訊教學設備,以應教學與研究所需。The acknowledgement of music teachers in junior high schools on the knowledge management and related topics was extensively studied. The importance and feasibility of adopting knowledge management on school education was explored as well. The result of this practical research by sampling the opinions of music teachers from six districts in north Taiwan, total sample size 198, 137 effective, and widely searching of related bibliography came out the following conclusive points: 1) master of school is the key to successfully promote knowledge management concept. 2) for the recognition, planning and promotion of knowledge management, it needs music teachers’ concurrence and involvement. 3) administrate organization should establish a communication model or channel with muted trust and respect to maximize the benefit of deploying knowledge management. 4) to be successful factors for music education, the engaging of teacher’s profession, faith, experience, on-job training and the support from administration units is mostly essential. 5) teachers’ implicit knowledge should not be denied during the deployment process of knowledge management to avoid dismissing teachers’ activeness and enthusiasm. 6) the activities of music club in the school should not be ignored, the expertise and demanding of music teachers for planning the training program and hiring related professional trainers for music club should be fully respected and referred. 7) music teachers are encouraged to involve in network application to integrate and access enough information and research resources to reinforce the learning mechanism and capability of knowledge management. 8) the recognition and deployment of knowledge management of administration units and the support from administration system to music education and music club are strongly dependent. In summary, the research came to the recommendations : 1) to establish the national center for knowledge management to integrate the resources of each district, providing knowledge sharing mechanism for music teachers. 2) to resolve the problem of non-even distribution of resources between schools in city and country, every school should aggressively promote related culture activities and develop its own characteristic. 3) to make long-term and mid-term planning to continuously improve and enrich the information equipment of music classroom to fulfill music education and research demand.音樂音樂教學知識管理學校行政MusicMusic TeachingKnowledge ManagementSchool Administration國中音樂教師對知識管理的認知與相關因素之研究On the Study of Acknowledgement of Music Teacher In Junior High Schools for the Knowledge Management And related practical Topics