何英奇教授吳玥玲2019-08-282006-8-112019-08-282006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0091073006%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88309摘要 本研究旨在探討大學僑生的校園經驗與學習成就的現況與關係,分析不同僑居地、年級等人口變項對其校園經驗與學習成就的差異情形,及探討大學僑生的校園經驗與學習成就的相關性。本研究採問卷調查法,以94學年度在台就讀大學的僑生為研究對象,選取有較多僑生人數的12所公、私立大學進行施測,共計發出520份問卷,回收問卷487份,其中有效問卷477份,有效率為91.7%。 研究工具為自編之「大學僑生校園經驗與學習成就問卷」,除進行專家效度檢核外,還透過預試、因素分析等建構效度與信度,完成正式問卷。問卷內容分為三部分,第一部分為「校園經驗」,第二部分為「學習成就」,第三部分為「個人基本資料」。 將所得資料分別以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾遜積差相關、典型相關等統計方法,以SPSS進行分析。研究結果得如下結論: 一、大學僑生校園經驗雖以「同儕互動」參與最多,但僅屬於中等程度;此外,「社團參與」參與程度最少。 二、大學僑生整體學習成就,包括「認知學習」與「自我發展」均屬於中等程度。其中以「自我發展」得分高於「認知學習」。 三、大學僑生校園經驗之參與會因不同年級、入學方式、校內打工經驗及入學前華語能力而有差異。 四、大學僑生學習成就會因不同年級、就讀學院、入學方式、校內打工經驗、打工時數及入學前華語能力而有差異。 五、大學僑生「校園經驗」與「學習成就」呈顯著正相關。 六、校園經驗的「同儕互動」對學習成就的「認知學習」及「自我發展」的預測力最大。 根據以上結論,針對未來擬來台就讀之僑生、在學大學僑生、大學僑輔單位、相關政府部門及未來研究方向,提出數項建議以供參考,以期能促進大學僑生校園經驗並提昇其學習成就。Abstract The present study was to investigate the current status of and the relationship between the campus experiences and academic achievements among the overseas Chinese college students (OCCS) studying in Taiwan. The study subjects were the OCCS who enrolled in 12 colleges (public and private) in Taiwan in the2005-2006 academic year. A questionnaire was designed to obtain the information pertaining to the objective of the present study, including, but not limited to, the campus environment the OCCS attended, the countries the OCCS originated from, the grades they enrolled in, the interactions among peers, the study habits, the scholastic and extracurricular activities. The questionnaire was divided into three parts: campus experiences, academic achievements, and basic personal data. In addition to being evaluated by the experts for the effectiveness, the questionnaire was pre-tested, and then the factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient were used to ensure the validity and reliability. A total of 520 questionnaires were distributed, and 487 returned. There were 477 valid responses (91.7%). The data obtained were analyzed by using the descriptive statistics, t test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation and canonical correlation. The results were summarized as follows: 1. Concerning the campus experiences, the interaction among peers received the highest score, but the frequency of interactions was of medium level. Further, the participation in on- campus extracurricular student organizations received the lowest score. 2. The overall academic achievements of the OCCS ranked at the medium level in terms of cognitive learning and self-development. Self-development was scored significantly higher than the cognitive learning. 3. The campus experiences among the OCCS differed significantly by the different grades they attended, the admission categories they belonged to, the on-campus working experience they obtained, and the ability to use Chinese language before admission. 4. The academic achievements among the OCCS differed significantly by the grades they attended, the college they were admitted to, the on-campus working experience, the weekly working hours, and the ability to use Chinese language before admission. 5. There were significant canonical correlations between the campus experiences and academic achievements among the OCCS. 6. When using the campus experiences to predict the cognitive learning and self-development of academic achievements, the peer interaction of campus experiences had highest predictive ability. Taken together, the results of the present study generated the knowledge about the current status of and the relationship between the campus experiences and academic achievements among the OCCS in Taiwan, and some suggestions were provided for the current and future OCCS as well as for the counseling offices in the colleges and related government agencies supervising the overseas Chinese and foreign students in Taiwan. Key words:大學僑生校園經驗學習成就Overseas Chinese College StudentsCampus ExperienceAcademic Achievements大學僑生校園經驗與學習成就之研究