韋煙灶Wei,Yen-Tsao范秀儀Fan, Hsiu-I2019-08-292017-03-012019-08-292016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0501231110%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94048本研究試圖以內容分析法、半結構訪談(高中生、大學生、高中地理教師以及大學專家學者)與專家問卷等研究方法找出高中通論(自然)地理教科書可能有的「問題」,包含教科書的「文本問題」以及由教科書文本或訪談資料所延伸出關於教學與教育等的「延伸問題」。   「文本問題」包含:「時、空間之範疇謬誤現象」、「知識概念之正確性」、「文意的易解性與邏輯性」以及「語意型塑的刻板印象」四大類別。研究結果發現高中生挑選「問題」多是「文意的易解性與邏輯性」的問題,而所有受訪者所提出的「問題」也以「文意的易解性與邏輯性」比重最高,可見教科書書寫需嚴謹的考量學習者現有的認知結構。而「問題」的提出與否皆受到受訪者的角色、學識與經歷所影響。   再者,由各版本同時被提出的教科書「文本問題」揭示教科書的參閱問題:某些「文本問題」同時出現在不同版本中,文句相似度頗高;或是參閱參考書目的內容,卻沒有做適合臺灣教學概念邏輯的修編,讓閱讀者不甚理解。   最後,既使具學習意義(在地化與生活化等)的教材與教學已被提出許久,但學習者與教學者對於部分教科書內容,卻仍具有「無意義感」。而唯有教師知道某個地理學識概念的全貌(涉及其他各學科內涵)、擁有更多元的學科學識基礎,才更能提高教師對教材內容的敏感度,以辨別教科書內容的正確性、邏輯性與語意問題,因此瞭解本研究的訪談資料與「延伸問題」對教師教學與學生學習皆有助益。於是,「文本問題」與「延伸問題」都揭櫫教師角色的重要性。This study was aimed to identify potential physical geography “problems” in senior high school geography textbooks. The research methods include: content analysis, expert questionnaire, and semi-structural interviews with high school students and geography teachers, as well as with students and professors of geography department. The identified problems were divided to two types, including: 1) the “text problems” directly found in the content of textbooks, and 2) the “extended problems” originated from the textbooks or interviews, which are related to teaching and education. The “text problems” were further grouped to four categories, including: 1) the temporal and spatial category mistakes, problems related to 2) the accuracy of knowledge and concepts, and 3) the understandability and logic of textbook content, and problems resulted from 4) the stereotype of semantic meaning. A tendency to identify problems related to the third category was found not only in senior high school student group but among all groups of interviewee, suggesting the necessity of taking the current knowledge base of the learners into consideration during textbook writing. The results also indicate that the identification of problems is correlated with the status, knowledge and experience of the interviewee. Moreover, the observation of similar text problems identified in various textbooks circulated by different publishers implies an awkward reference system of textbook editing. Some “text problems” found in different textbooks had highly similar sentence structures, while others occurred when the textbook writers did not adapted the content to the teaching concept and logic of local teachers from the reference materials, resulting a low understandability for the readers. Although the concepts of localization and practicality have long been promoted for the development of teaching materials and methods, both learners and instructors still feel a sense of meaningless toward some textbook contents. It is required for teachers to have comprehensive understanding of certain geographic concepts (in which other subjects may be involved) and multidisciplinary knowledge bases, in order to boost their sensitivity to the teaching materials and to identify problems resulted from inaccuracy, false logic and stereotyped semantic meaning in textbooks. It would be helpful to understand the interviews and “extended problems” for both teaching and learning, therefore both “text problems” and “extended problems” suggested in the present study reveal the important role of the teachers.地理教學自然地理教科書內容分析geography teachingphysical geographytextbookcontent analysis高中通論(自然)地理教科書內容「問題」之分析The Content Analysis about Physical Geography “Problems” in Senior High School Geography Textbooks