吳美美2014-10-272014-10-271997-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/18581文獻指出,成功的檢索通常需要兩種有關的工作知識(task knowledge),包括學科知識 (domain knowledge) 和檢索程序知識 (procedure knowledge),但是查考許多相關的文獻,並未詳究所謂「學科知識」和「檢索程序知識」所應包括的內容是什麼?又在個別使用者的認知中如何呈現?本文主要在探討使用者利用網路資源所需具備共同的知識內涵以完成特定的步驟。 本研究主要利用觀察法、 訪談法, 以及口頭報告法 (speak-out-loud method) 蒐集資料,並利用言談分析及內容分析來判斷使用者當時的基本知識內容。研究對象包括總共四十一名網路資源的使用者,其中三十五位為第一次接受網路資源檢索課程的圖書館系、所大學生及研究生,以及六位未受過正式網路課程訓練的非圖書館系學生。受試者被要求實際操作一個網路資訊檢索的實例,一面說出其正在或將進行的動作,研究人員予以錄音,觀察並作成記錄。接著進行深度訪談,輔助資料的收集。觀察記錄和訪談記錄則予以分析,錄音資料為輔助資料。本研究最後再將網路使用者的指令以及其對於指令所具有的相關知識予以分析歸納,研究結果包括:網路使用者的一般使用行為;網路使用者如何開始使用網路資源、如何學會;網路使用者一般的困難類型;以及網路使用者應具備的基本知識。This paper reports the research results of the basic knowledge structure required for effective network information retrieval. Methods for knowledge elicitation are applied, including: discourse analysis, in-depth interview, and speak-out-loud techniques. A total 41 samples are collected. Among which, 35 participants are the undergraduate as well as graduate students from library schools who have just taken basic network resources retrieval course. 6 of the 41 participants are those who are NIR users, but are not majored in Library Science and have not taken any of the formal courses. The participants are asked to conduct a regular network search with or without a purpose. The participants are also requested to speak out loud what they are thinking and doing. The verbal data is recorded by a tape recorder. Field notes of observation as well as indepth interview data sheets are recorded and then analyzed. Audio tapes are transcribed to supplement the written data. A sketch of knowledge structure for the individual to conduct a network information searching is proposed based on the research results. The significance of the study are three-fold: practically, the determination of the basic knowledge structure for the effective information retrieval enhances the design of a better NIR training program, and of an intelligent interface. At the research level, knowledge elicitation has been a method used by the Western world. this research suggests that it can also be used as successfully in the oriental society. At the theoretical level, it supports that task knowledge is identifiable, and can be structuralized. Future study of a online training course design based on this knowledge structure is suggested.網路資源資訊檢索知識結構檢索訓練課程言談分析知識萃取法Discourse analysisKnowledge elicitationKnowledge structureInformation retrievalTraining program試談網路檢索的基本知能Knowledge Structure for Network Information Retrieval