甄曉蘭陳佳慧CHEN, CHIA-HUI2019-08-282012-6-22019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0696000175%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90152學校生命教育的實施已行之有年,隨著民間團體在生命教育領域的努力耕耘,近年來有許多學校逐漸與這些單位合力推動生命教育;就國小階段而言,由彩虹愛家生命教育協會所提供的彩虹生命教育課程受到全臺多數學校的青睞。然而,在學校現有教學時數不足、人力資源不夠的困境下,若能引進志工家長的力量協助生命教育之推廣,則不僅能鼓勵家長參與學校教育,亦有助於紓解前述困境。本研究旨在促使家長參與國小彩虹生命教育的運作更加完善,主要目的有四: 一、瞭解家長參與國小彩虹生命教育之動機 二、探索家長參與國小彩虹生命教育之經驗歷程 三、探討家長參與國小彩虹生命教育所遭遇之問題與因應 四、分析家長參與國小彩虹生命教育對個人、學生、教師、學校之意義與影響 本研究所採用的研究取徑是質性個案研究,透過訪談、觀察及文件分析等方法蒐集相關資料,對象則包含個案學校的志工家長、級任教師、班級學生及學校行政人員,以期從多種角度探究相關問題。綜合研究發現,本研究獲得以下結論: 一、家長參與彩虹生命教育之動機是多重的,促使家長持續參與的原因為參與之後帶來個人觀點的正向轉變、體察生命教育對孩子的必要性、尋求個人心靈的慰藉、及分享回饋個人所擁有的愛與學習。 二、家長參與彩虹生命教育之經驗歷程主要在教學、班級經營及團討方面由不足而精進,並透過自修、向人請益、參與研習或其他團體來增進相關知能,至於家長和班級師生間若能擁有良好互動將產生較佳成效。 三、家長參與彩虹生命教育所遭遇之問題在於該課程的背景、制度及設計引發執行困難、家長的相關教育知能不足導致教學挫折、班級教師未能信任和重視家長參與、及學校對生命教育晨光教學的支持有所不足。 四、家長參與彩虹生命教育不僅尋獲個人存在的價值、提供學校人力資源,亦改善了家庭成員間、學生同儕間、家長-教師間及社區-學校間的關係。 最後,依據研究結果,提出對於家長參與國小彩虹生命教育及未來相關研究之建議。Life education has been implemented for years at schools. With the NGOs’ endeavor in the field of life education, many schools gradually cooperate with the NGOs to implement life education in the recent years. Rainbow life education curriculum provided by Rainbow Family Life Education Association is implemented in most Taiwan elementary schools. However, the current predicaments of life education at schools are lack of teaching hours and human resources. Recruiting more volunteer parents, therefore, not only can encourage parents to be involved with school education, but also can facilitate solving the predicaments. To enhance parental involvements in Rainbow life education in elementary schools, this study was conducted with the following four main purposes: 1.To understand the motivations of parental involvement in elementary Rainbow life education. 2.To explore the experience of parental involvement process in elementary Rainbow life education. 3.To investigate the practical problems and coping strategies of parental involvement in elementary Rainbow life education. 4.To analyze the significance and influence of parental involvement in elementary Rainbow life education on individuals, students, teachers and schools. In order to examine the related issues from multiple perspectives, a qualitative case study was applied in this study. Methods applied in this study include interview, observation and document analysis. Participants are volunteer parents, tutors, students and administrators from the selected school. According to the research findings, the conclusions of this study are as follows: 1.The motivations of parental involvement in elementary Rainbow life education are multiple. Reasons keep parents involving in life education are: 1) transforming positively the individual perception; 2) understanding the necessity of elementary life education; 3) seeking the spiritual consolation; and 4) sharing love and learning. 2.The experience of parental involvement process in elementary Rainbow life education is mainly the transition from insufficiency to mastery of teaching, classroom management and group discussion; furthermore, in order to improve relevant knowledge, parents learn through self-study, consultation, and participation of workshops or other groups. Positive interactions between parents and teachers/students can help achieving better life education results. 3.The practical problems of parental involvement in elementary Rainbow life education include 1) the operational difficulty from the background, system and design of the curriculum; 2) parents’ teaching frustration from the insufficiency of relevant educational knowledge; 3) lack of teachers’ trust and respect of parental involvement; and 4) the inadequacy of school support for the life education. 4.The significance and influence of parental involvement in elementary Rainbow life education not only help participant parents to gain self-esteem, but also provide the school with more human resources. Parental involvement, moreover, can improve interpersonal relationship between family members, between peers, between parents and teachers and between communities and schools. Finally, based on the research findings, suggestions are provided for parental involvement in elementary Rainbow life education and for future relevant researches.生命教育彩虹生命教育課程家長參與life educationRainbow life education curriculumparental involvement家長參與國小生命教育之研究-以「彩虹生命教育課程」為例