徐昊杲How-Gao Hsu邱佳椿Chia-Chun Chiu2019-09-042003-06-102019-09-042003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069070052%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/98441本研究主要目的是在瞭解高職電機電子群學生智力、學習環境滿意度、學習態度之現況,以及影響其相關因素,並建構影響高職電機電子群學生學習態度與學業成就之路徑模式。 研究者利用所獲得的資料,包括:利用線上問卷調查表收集學生學習環境滿意度(含學校環境、家庭環境、教學方法與教材)、學習態度(含學習興趣、學習習慣、學習焦慮、自我效能、實用性);利用紙筆測驗測量學生智力(含數字推理、抽象推理、語文推理);以及取得受測學生90學年度學年成績(含國文、英文、數學、電子學、基本電學),並將其學年成績轉換為標準分數T分數。經過資料整理之後,進行獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析,以及路徑分析等統計考驗。 本研究獲致的主要結論如下: 一、大台北地區高職電機電子群學生在智力測驗以語文推理表現較不 理想,數字推理及抽象推理表現達到中上水準,而學習環境 滿意 度及學習態度則表現尚可。 二、影響高職電機電子群學生學習態度的相關因素方面: (一)個人背景因素:放學後是否有打工、每日上下學通勤時間、 每週平均複習課業時間。 (二)學習環境滿意度。其內涵層面包括:學校環境、家庭環境、 教學方法與教材。 三、影響高職電機電子群學生學業成就的相關因素方面: (一)個人背景因素:每週平均複習課業時間。 (二)智力。其內涵層面包括:數字推理、抽象推理、語文推理。 (三)學習環境滿意度。其內涵層面包括:學校環境、家庭環境、 教學方法與教材。 (四)學習態度。其內涵層面包括:學習興趣、學習習慣、學習焦 慮、自我效能、實用性。 四、影響高職電機電子群學生學習態度與學業成就之路徑模式得到驗 證。 最後,茲根據本研究在抽樣方式、研究變項及研究方法等方面不足之處,以及在進行研究中所獲得的新想法,歸納出幾點建議,以供後續對此研究方向感到興趣的研究者參考。The purposes of this study were to investigate situation of students’ intelligence, learning environment satisfaction, learning attitude in electric/electronic cluster of vocational high school (EEVHS), to explore factors affecting those, and to construct path model that affect students’ learning attitude and academic achievement. To use obtained data including learning environmental satisfaction (component of school environment, home environment, teaching method and subject matter), learning attitude (component of learning interest, learning habit, learning anxiety, self-efficiency, practicability), intelligence (component of numeric reasoning, abstract reasoning, verbal reasoning), 90th academic achievement (component of Chinese, English, mathematics, electronics, basic electricity) that convert from raw score to standardized score. Then the statistical methods used in this study were t-test, one way analysis of variance, and path analysis. The conclusions of this study were as follows: 1. The verbal reasoning was lower than average, however, numeric reasoning and abstract reasoning were closer to average for student in EEVHS, Taipei. 2. In the aspect of affecting students’ learning attitude in EEVHS : (1)individual background : whether work after school, traffic time per day, the time to read per week. (2)learning environmental satisfaction. 3. In the aspect of affecting students’ academic achievement in EEVHS : (1)individual background : the time to read per week. (2)intelligence. (3)learning environmental satisfaction. (4)learning attitude. 4. The path model was demonstrated for affecting students’ learning attitude and academic achievement in EEVHS. In finally, according to insufficiency of sampling, variables, methodology in this study, and new ideal got from studying researcher provided the some suggestions to follow-up studies in the future.學習態度學業成就路徑模式線上問卷earning attitudeacademic achievementpath modelon-line questionnaire高職電機電子群學生學習態度與學業成就之路徑模式研究The Study of Path Model of Student’s Learning Attitude and Academic Achievement in Electrical and Electronic Cluster of Vocational High School