莊連東 教授林績宇LIN, Chi-yu2020-12-102012-7-302020-12-102012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698600163%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115495從悠漫的鄉村社會來到台北都會城市,訊息的接收與理解從悠閒的品味轉變為瞬間的強迫接收。在當代的社會中,科技訊息在電腦與網際網路的基礎建設上可說是以秒速來進行著,社會的高速發展伴隨著社會心理、審美觀念的變化,這必然會使得藝術形式產生多變。 本創作研究將以「動的表現」為核心,分為三個部份來探討。第一:「萌發及奠基理論思想」,從自身對於自然與社會環境的改變與體現,發掘出創作的契機,並且描述對於動的詮釋與背後的意涵來述說創作面向,最後藉由哲學的分析,以時空思維與循環概念來闡述對「動」的瞭解。第二:「藝術思維分析探討」,經由對「動」這一概念在藝術美感中的呈現,探討藝術家畫面形成的創作理念、思維的建構,並藉由分析藝術家之作品來了解其創作手法。第三:「自我創作理念研究分析」,透過自我創作理念的建立及作品的解析,以敘述失焦的創作觀點。 當一切的心象化為水墨形象的那一刻,心靈的建構便趨於成形,在此過程中自我、本我、感覺、知覺,以及想像的昇華過程,將內在的世界揭示於前,任憑主體即是創作者的自由建構,而建構的作品就是主體精神的凝結與成形化。藝術的內容是情感的體現,並受到情感所支配。面對著瞬息萬變的都市環境,創作者抱持過往經驗所建構出自我對於這都市的感受,透過創作來述說著自我內心的觀感。The manner of perceiving message shifts from understanding leisurely to forced receiving instantaneously since the social development from the tranquil rustic village to the busy metropolis, Taipei city. In contemporary society, infrastructure of science and technology applied to computer and internet has been expanded rapidly. The rapid development of society accompanying the change of social psychology and aesthetic definitely causes the transformation of various art forms. The present study emphasizes the importance of “moving performance”, and one tries to explore the point in three part. Part I discovers germination and theoretical foundation in the mean of recognizing and embodying the change of natural environment and social through observation on the creating opportunities. Finally, one embodies two aspects, spatiotemporal thinking and circulating concept in order to interpret “moving” respectively according to the viewpoint of philosophy. Part II starts to analyze the moving performance in art. One examines different artists’ painting concepts through the presentation of the moving conception in art, and explores artists’ construction of thoughts through the analysis of painting methods. Part III begins the analysis of the concept in self-creation work. One clarifies the creative perspective of blurred visions through the establishment of the concept in self-creation and analysis of the individual art work. The constructivism of mind is formed when all the inner images convert into ink paintings. Moreover, in the process of creation, sublimation of self, id, sensation, perception and imagination reveals one’s innermost world. As a result, art’s main subject is creator’s free constructivism, and constructed work is the condensation and forming oriented of the main spirit. The art is a manifestation of emotion as well as dominated by emotion. Facing the rapid change of the urban environment, creator constructs the self-feeling for the urban city based on the past experiences, and expresses the perception of the inner self through the creative work.水墨都市動失焦ink paintingcitymovingblurred失焦的視覺:「動」在水墨創作中的表現Blurred Vision:The Study of Moving Expression in Creation of Ink Painting