姚榮松Yao Rong Song施瑞樓Shih Jui Lou2019-08-292012-8-202019-08-292012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0099262103%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93269《梨園戲》在台灣稱為《南管戲》,是目前漢文化中最古老的劇種之一。向有戲曲活化石之稱。又明代嘉靖丙寅(公元一五六六年)刊本《荔鏡記》,是現存閩南語最古之劇本,或可視為閩南語「第一本字書」,其重要性可見一斑。 文獻記載:梨園戲是最早隨著先民來台的劇種,搬演三百多年,期間影響台灣本土布袋戲、歌仔戲、車鼓戲甚巨。然而文獻對其演出的實錄少有書寫,有的大多為負面的批評,還一度被認定為淫戲而禁演。 本文將針對一向標榜貴族音樂、只准上九流人士加入、只演奏不演戲的南管社團,接納子弟們演出南管戲的過程及影響進行探討,主軸以1979年引領風潮的鹿港聚英社,演出〈益春留傘〉為開端,展開筆者親身演出的經驗談,並配合理論擷發南管戲的精髓。除就〈益春留傘〉的劇本淵源及其身段表演加以探討、分析外,更進一步也將針對李祥石藝師,與台灣南管社團和南管戲的演出,其關聯加以闡述。 本文的研究方法包括:資料蒐集,文獻閱讀,調查演出南管戲的子弟社團(非專業),訪談參與者,耙梳南管子弟戲演出過程及演出實況等,此外更以自己參與演出的經驗感受,印證演出南管戲的甘苦,以此作為對傳統戲曲參與者的支持,與虔誠的敬意。並填補傳統戲曲演出實況,少為人知的空白。"Liyuan Opera" also called "Nangun Opera" in Taiwan, is the oldest opera in Chinese culture. "Li Jing Ji" published in AD 156ost ancient script of the existing Minnan ,or as Tai language book, its importance is evident. Literature: Liyuan Opera if the first operas with the ancestors first came to Taiwan,performed over 300 years, during those years the Taiwanese puppet theater ,opera, car drum play is tremendous. Record rarely registered the literature shows, However, some are mostly negative criticism, but also once identified censorship of kinky play. This article will advocate the process of the development of Nangun Opera. The main theme is to explore the impact of enjoy opera in Lukang community starting in 1979 from performance of<Ih-Chen left umbrella> Furthermore also clarify the linkage between Li Xiangshi Arborist and the Taiwan Nanguan Societies and Nangun opera performances. This article also investigates the origin and the performance style of the play. The research method of this essay includes: data collection, literature review, survey the Nanguan Play Children Societies ( non-professional), interview with participants ,understand Nangun Children play during a performance, and live performances. In addition, the author’s personal performance experience is also included. All of these is to support the participants of the traditional opera, with pious respect. And fill blank of the lesser-known traditional opera performances.梨園戲荔鏡記益春留傘李祥石聚英社Liyuan OperaLi- Jing -Ji" Ih Chun left umbrella"Li Xiang ShiJyuh-Ying-Sheh鹿港聚英社南管戲之演出及〈益春留傘〉身段之探討Lukang Juying Nankuan opera performances and the discussion of the posture in the act of "Ih-Chen left umbrella"