程代勒王苾芬2020-12-102018-4-302020-12-102013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0099603114%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115068本研究藉由「書」的各式各樣之形象與樣貌,來表現人的思維,傾聽人性內在底層的聲音,追溯源於現實的體悟,並探尋求知者的內心世界與水墨創作的關係。再經由「書」的引發與聯想所帶來的種種靈感,達到自由的畫境。 生活是創作的根源,創作需要生活的累積。藉由藝術符號來表達情感,投射於「書」上;以書本型態出發,從實際生活中,發掘出社會上五花八門的各種問題與現象,並創造出足以表現其特點的作品;由呈現此境界的延伸變化之歷程,窺探對周遭息息相關之事物的關注,進而引發人們對自身的審視與反省,以形成正確價值取向。 書是文化、思想、知識保存的最大載體,是人類智慧的結晶,更是文明進步的階梯。藉由創作中獨特性、本土性、時代性之思維,游走於傳統與現代的筆墨語言間,表現出賦予書本之生命,思考新舊、古今之間的對話與新意,從而進入更深層的探索過程。 當美感經驗成了日常生活的縮影時,藝術才能有效的散佈於人生的美感經驗上並成長茁壯,進而突顯出價值與意義。唯有對自己真誠,作品才會有無限的生命力。期待在此研究中,能營造出屬於個人的視覺語言符號,敞開另一扇心靈的視野之窗。This study aims to present human thinking, perceive the underlying sound of humanity, retrace the understanding orginated from reality, and explore the relationship between human mind and ink paintings. By means of association with different patterns and images of books, inspiration to achieve a free artistic conception for painting is aroused. Life, the origin of creation, requires its accumulation for creation. In the pattern of books, art symbols are applied to express feelings, discover social problems and various phenomena in daily lives, and we hereby create artistic works with their characteristics. During the process, we are able to probe into every existence, stirring people's insight and reflection, so correct values are formed. Books are the greatest carriers for culture, thoughts, and knowledge. They are the laddder for civilization as well as the essence of human wisdom. It is the unique, local, and epochal thinking in artistic works that makes the creation prossess the nature of traditional and modern strokes, so the underlying process of exploration goes on in depth. It is when our aesthetic experience turns into an epitome of daily life that art will spread ,thrive, and take on its value and significance. When people are true to themselves, the artistic works can be provided with vitality. It is hoped that in this study, personal visual symbols are created and another new spiritual window is to be opened.獨特性本土性時代性墨象書uniquenessaboriginalitychange of timesperceivable ink paintingbooks墨象書情─王苾芬水墨創作論述Perceivable Ink Painting, Affective Books—Exposition of Wang Pi-Fen’s Ink Paintings