國立臺灣師範大學臺灣史研究所許佩賢2015-11-172015-11-172013-12-011997-3721http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/75712日治時期臺灣的實業補習學校,於1922年新臺灣教育令頒布以後陸續設置,屬於職業教育機闕,為小、公學校畢業後的升學選項之一。由於在修業年限、設置者及教學內容上,有很多彈性,學費也比較便宜,受到臺灣社會歡迎,主要可以分成農業專修學校、商工業補習學校及以專門收容女性的家政女學校。1935年,日本本國的實業補習學校廢止,臺灣卻保留下來而大幅發展。臺灣總督府的期待是,透過二年或三年長期的、固定的教育機構,有效地教化臺灣青年。與總督府的教化期待有所出入,臺灣社會更希望透過實業補習學校取得更上一層樓的學歷資格。實業補習學校是日本統治後期臺灣人十分重要的升學機關,也是臺灣社會教育欲求的重要表現,其畢業生也較只有公學校畢業者更有機會離農轉業,或在地方社會出人頭地。The New Education Rescript of 1922 established vocational supplementary schools were established in Taiwan.They were categorized as institutes of vocational education and became an altemative to secondary education for students after completing common schools and elementary schools.Because the study period and curriculum were flexible and the qualification of the founding personnel was not strictly regulated,these schools were rather popular in Taiwan.There were schools of agriculture,schools of commerce and industry,as well as girls schools devoted to home economics.After 1935,while such supplementary schools were abolished in Japan,they survived in Taiwan prosperously.The Taiwan Govemor-General expected to indoctrinate Taiwanese youth through these two to three year,stable educational institutions.However,Taiwanese saw these schools as ladders to higher education.Therefore,vocational supplementary schools were very important institutions for entering higher education and represented the desire for education among the Taiwanese.Compared to the graduates of common schools,the graduates of these vocational schools had more chances to change their career from being farmers to having greater achievements in society.實業補習學校家政女學校教育欲求Vocational supplementary schoolsSchools of home economics for girlsDesire for education日治時期臺灣的實業補習學校Vocational Supplementary Schools in Taiwan during the Japanese Occupation