洪志明2014-10-272014-10-271989-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17162本研究使用由Markle和Klausmeier等人所發展出來的概念分析法,來分析化學實驗教材之內容。由概念分析,比較概念的一些正例與非例,可找出 此概念的鑑別性屬性和可變性屬性。這些屬性可用來:(1)寫出概念的最佳定義;(2)設計合理的教學程序;(3)設計相配合的標準參照評量項目。 本研究採用概念分析法,設計化學實驗教材內容分析量表,並分析比較各版本大學化學實驗教材中,「再結晶」技能的實驗內容。研究結果指出各版本教材之缺點, 並建議應改進之項目。This research uses the concept analysis methods developed by Markle and Klausmeier for instructional design. By comparing several examples and nonexamples of a variable attributes of that concept. These attributes allow one to: (1) give better definitions, (2) arrange a logical sequence for experimental instruction, and (3) prepare a matched set of equivalent criterion-based test items. With the aid of these powerful tools, chemistry experimental skills analysis sheets were constructed and systematic analysis of experimental materials in various textbooks were conducted. The weak points of each instructional material were identified.內容分析量表化學再結晶技能教材概念分析法實驗以概念分析法探討化學實驗教材之內容Investigation of Chemistry Laboratory Instructional Contents with Concept Analysis Methods: Recrystallization Skill