吳美美Wu, Mei-Mei陳淑娟Chen, Shu-Chuan2023-12-082022-08-042023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/76e15deec2afec58de0cfbaaa6e2d9c3/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119360因應數位時代網路科技的快速發展,電子資源及數位載具的近用能力,已成為數位公民的重要素養,探討新北市偏遠地區民眾的公共圖書館閱讀和借閱行為,以了解民眾的閱讀習慣,提供公共圖書館電子書推廣策略之參考。本研究問題:(一)新北市偏遠地區民眾的公共圖書館電子書閱讀和借閱行為為何?(二)新北市偏遠地區民眾的公共圖書館電子書服務需求為何?(三)新北市偏遠地區民眾的公共圖書館電子書使用行為和人口變項有關嗎?例如性別、年齡、職業、學歷等?本研究採用問卷調查法輔以訪談法,經專家效度審查完成正式問卷,問卷發放於新北市偏遠地區:石碇區、坪林區、平溪區、雙溪區、貢寮區、瑞芳區等六區公共圖書館,自2022年3月15至4月22日期間,共計回收有效問卷255份;訪談實施自2022年3月11日至4月9日期間,每個館招募2位,共計12位民眾受訪。研究結果發現,新北市偏遠地區:石碇區、坪林區、平溪區、雙溪區、貢寮區、瑞芳區等六區,三年內有使用過電子書經驗之民眾(一)電子書借閱行為方面,借閱頻率以「30天以上」為最多;借閱來源以「新北市立圖書館」為主;最常借閱圖書館電子書平台為「Hyread ebook電子書」;借閱方式以「使用APP借閱」的比例最高;借閱主題以「文學小說」居冠。(二)電子書閱讀行為方面,閱讀類別以「語言文學類」所占比例最高;閱讀場所選擇在「自己家中」最多;閱讀載具,以「筆記型電腦」排名第一;閱讀軟體功能,以「放大縮小」最多;閱讀動機以「自我充實」所占的比例最高。(三)電子書服務需求方面,借閱障礙,以電子書的「選擇性少」為最多;借閱需求,以「提供電子書活動最新消息」所占的比例最高。(四)交叉分析結果方面,職業對於借閱行為中的借閱來源、借閱主題、借閱需求,以及閱讀行為中的閱讀類別等變項,具有統計上的顯著差異;職業和學歷對於電子書閱讀行為中的閱讀場所、閱讀軟體功能等兩個變項,具有統計上的顯著差異;性別、年齡、職業與閱讀動機有統計上的顯著差異。根據研究結果,提出建議如下:(一)加強宣導民眾使用公共圖書館電子書資源。(二)從民眾電子書需求增加公共圖書館電子書館藏內容。(三)結合社區與民間團體共同舉辦電子書推廣行銷活動。(四)提供多元的電子書選擇與公共圖書館電子書最新消息。The ability to access electronic resources and digital carriers has become an important literacy for digital citizens in response to the rapid development of network technology in the digital age. Understanding citizens’ reading habits in terms of reading behavior as well as borrowing behavior in the rural areas of New Taipei City Public Libraries is one paramount approach for further promotion strategies. The research questions include: (1) What are the public library e-book use behaviors in terms of reading and borrowing behavior in rural areas of New Taipei City? (2) What are the public library e-book service demands of people in rural areas of New Taipei City? and (3) Are the e-book use behaviors of public libraries in rural areas of New Taipei City related to the demographic variables? such as gender, age, occupation, and education?Quantitative approach is applied. Questionnaire is designed and the interview method supplemented to support questionnaire survey. Questionnaire is distributed to the public libraries in Shiding, Pinglin, Pingxi, Shuangxi, Gongliaot, Ruifang districts, the rural areas of New Taipei City from March 15 to April 22 of 2022. A total of 255 valid questionnaires are collected and analyzed. And 12 patrons, 2 each from the 6 public libraries are recruited and interviewed. Quantitative analysis, the Chi Square Tests are applied for the quantitative data. And qualitative analysis is applied for the interview data.The research findings include: (1) in terms of borrowing behavior,"more than 30 days" is the most popular borrowing frequency; the library e-book platform most frequently used is "Hyread"; the theme borrowed the most is "novel". (2) In terms of reading behavior, "language and literature" is the highest proportion; “laptop” ranked the top as the reading carriers; “zoom in and out” is the most used software function. And "self-enrichment" rather than “recreation” is the motivation for most. (3) In terms of E-book service demand, the borrowing barriers are “lesschoice”, and "library event updates" has the highest demand. (4) In terms of cross-analysis, the results appear that occupations have statistically significant differences in variables including borrowing sources, borrowing topics, borrowing needs, and reading categories in reading behaviors. There are also statistically significant differences between two variables, that is, reading location and reading software functions. Statistical analysis also shows that there are statistically significantdifferences in between reading motivation and gender, age, and occupations.Based on the research findings, which lead to the following recommendations: (1) strengthen publicity on the e-Book resources accessibility in public libraries. (2) Increase the content of e-Books collections in public libraries in order reading vehicle, to fulfill digital citizen’s needs. (3) Jointly organize e-Books promotion and marketing activities in conjunction withthe community and non-governmental organizations. (4) Provide a wide variety of e-Book choices and the updated news of e-Books in public libraries.偏遠地區公共圖書館電子書使用行為電子書服務需求rural areaspublic librariesuse behavior of e-booksebook service needs新北市偏遠地區民眾之公共圖書館電子書使用行為研究A Study on the Use Behavior of E-books in the Rural areas of New Taipei City Public Librariesetd