王宗吉Wang Tsung-chi鄭惠萍Cheng Hui-ping2019-09-052005-8-122019-09-052005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0000T35012%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107143本研究目的在瞭解台北市象山晨間休閒運動現況,並分析不同人口背景變項及休閒運動行為在休閒運動動機、休閒設施滿意的差異情形,且進一步探討休閒運動動機與休閒設施滿意之關係。研究對象為306位在民國九十四年三月十七日至四月十三日至象山上從事晨間休閒運動之民眾,並以「台北市象山晨間休閒運動問卷」為研究工具,進行問卷調查。根據調查所得資料,以描述性統計方法、信度分析、因素分析、卡方考驗、單因子變異數分析、積差相關分析及典型相關分析等統計方法進行分析。研究結果主要發現如下: 一、象山晨間休閒運動參與人口主要為50歲以上之中老年人;居住地以鄰近之信義區及大安區為主;教育程度以大專/學居多;大部分民眾自覺身體健康。 二、參與象山晨間休閒運動民眾主要以步行方式到達象山口;七成以上民眾只要花20分鐘以內即可到達;參與頻率以每週五次以上最多;持續歷史以五年以上最多;停留時間以一至二小時最多。 三、不同背景變項之性別、年齡、婚姻、健康狀況、工作狀況、教育程度在休閒運動動機上有顯著差異。 四、不同休閒運動行為變項之交通方式、參與頻率、持續歷史、到達時間、停留時數、同伴型式、有無參加團體活動在休閒運動動機上有顯著差異。 五、不同背景變項在休閒設施滿意上均無顯著差異。 六、不同休閒運動行為變項之參與頻率、到達時間、停留時數在休閒設施滿意上有顯著差異。 七、民眾參與象山晨間休閒運動之動機與休閒設施滿意有典型相關存在。在健康與放鬆、成就與運動等因素的動機較強,對基本設施齊備性及空間與美感性等因素的滿意度也較高。 最後,研究者依據結論提出:1.加強宣導與舉辦親山步道體驗活動;2.規劃符合使用者需求之運動健身設施;3.建置緊急聯絡系統等具體建議,供相關單位未來規劃都市郊山休閒運動及後續研究之參考。The purpose of this study was to research the morning recreational sports in Mt. Elephant of Taipei. Furthermore, the study not only analyzed the characteristics of demographic variables and recreational sports behavior, but also discussed the relationship among the different variables, recreational sports motivation and satisfaction of facilities. The survey was proceeded from Mar.17 to Apr.13 and the research instrument was “The Questionnaire of Morning Recreational Sports in Mt. Elephant of Taipei”. Of all the retrieved questionnaires, 306 were valid . According to the data, descriptive statistics, factor analysis, Chi-square test, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Person product-moment correlation analysis and Canonical correlation analysis were used to accomplish data analysis. The major results were summarized as follows: Ⅰ. The majority of participants were above 50 years old(55.5%); most of them resided in “Hsin-yi”(54.4%) and “Ta-an” District(23.6%); mainly were “bachelor degree” (48%); most of them were “healthy” (51.4%). Ⅱ. Most of the participants got to the entrance “on foot”(49.7%); and more than 70% of them just took 20 minutes to get there; most of them had climbed Mt. Elephant for “more than five years” (58.9%); themost frequency was “more than five times a week”(30.8%); and stayed there for “one to two hours” each time (47.7%). Ⅲ. Different demographical varieties, including “gender”, “age”, “marital status”, “health condition”, “occupation” and “educational level” showed significant differences in recreational sports motivation. Ⅳ. Different recreational sports behavior varieties, including “vehicle”, “frequency”, “duration years”, “arrival time”, “stay hours”, “company pattern” and “sport club” showed significant differences in recreational sports motivation. Ⅴ. None of the different demographical varieties showed significant difference in satisfaction of facilities. Ⅵ. Different recreational sports behavior varieties, including “frequency”, “arrival time” and “stay hours” showed significant differences in satisfaction of facilities. Ⅶ. There existed canonical correlations between recreational sports motivation and satisfaction of facilities.台北市郊山休閒運動象山動機滿意度Taipei urban edge-hillsrecreational sportsMt. Elephantmotivationsatisfaction台北市郊山晨間休閒運動之研究—以象山為例A Study of Morning Recreational Sports in Taipei Urban Edge-hills -- A Case Study of The Elephant Mountain