鄭恆雄Heng-Hsiung Cheng2014-10-272014-10-272005-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15118本文論缽王振鵠教授擔任立中央圖書館館長任內12餘年,推動國家書目資源的建立與共享的理念、作為與貢獻。著者認為我國國家圖書館的重要功能之一應該是建立圖家書目,提供書目資源共享。本文從王教授的書目學理念出發,探討其在國家圖書的事功與作為,內容包括王授的書目學理念以及出版目錄與工具書、研訂編目規範標準、建置國家書目資源、建立書號與書目資訊中心、推動漢學研究中心與漢學資源服務等實踐與影響。This article discusses the contributions of Professor Chen-Ku Wang to promote the establishment and share of national bibliographical resources during his directorship of the National Central Library from 1977 to 1989. The author recognizes that one of the important functions of National Central Library is to establish and share national bibliographical resources. This article begins with Professor Wang’s bibliographical theory and how to implement his idea. The implementation and accomplishments under his leadership were: (1) compiling bibliographies and reference tools; (2) setting up cataloging rules and standards; (3) establishing national bibliographical resources; (4) founding the ISBN Center and the Bibliographic Information Center and at national Central Library; (5) promoting Center for Chinese Studies affiliated with NCL and publishing various sinological reference sources.王振鵠國家圖書館書目控制國家書目編目規範資源共享Professor Chen-Ku WangNational central libraryBibliographical controlNational bibliographyCataloging rules and standardsResource sharing王振鵠教授的書目學理念與實踐The Contribution to Bibliography of Professor Chen-Ku Wang