陳美燕林玫君初昌樂2019-09-052009-7-312019-09-052009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0096132103%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107500本研究主要目的在瞭解女性海外自助旅遊者之背景特性與生活型態,進一步分析不同背景特性與生活型態在涉入程度與主觀幸福感之差異與關係。本研究採用網路問卷與論壇分析,包括從事海外自助旅遊經驗之女性有效問卷186份及論壇發表12份,根據所獲資料以描述性統計、單因子多變項變異數分析、相關分析等統計方法進行資料分析,主要研究結論如下: 一、女性海外自助旅遊者多為單身未婚,教育程度與收入偏高,且年齡層以31~45歲為主,多半採有伴同行。 二、不同婚姻狀況在涉入程度各構面多少都有顯著差異存在;不同婚姻狀況在主觀幸福感各構面有顯著差異存在。 三、女性海外自助旅遊者在生活型態、涉入程度與主觀幸福感之間具有相關性。 四、女性海外自助旅遊者多半是以珍惜當下、積極態度、正向人生觀來面對自己的生活及工作,可說是富有主觀幸福感的人。 整體而言,女性海外自助旅遊者是具有正向思維且在整體生活滿意度皆呈現較高之傾向,建議旅遊相關產品經營者可嘗試海外打工旅遊或志工旅遊的另類自助旅遊型態的產品推廣。再者,本研究結果與建議亦可做為旅遊相關業者之目標市場定位、設計新產品與行銷策略擬定之參考。The purposes of this study were to understand the demographic characteristics and lifestyle, analyze the difference among the demographic characteristics on the involvement and subjective well-being, and furthermore to examine the correlation among the lifestyle involvement and subjective well-being for the women overseas backpackers. The website questionnaire survey and forum essay discussion were utilized to recruit 186 women overseas backpackers and 12 forum essays. The data are analyzed by applying statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, oneway MANOVA and correlation analysis. The main results of this study are as follows: 1.Most respondents are 31-45 years old, unmarried, and having higher education and salary, and usually travel with companions. 2.There are significant differences among the different marital status on the involvement and subjective well-being for the women overseas backpackers. 3.There is a significant correlation relationship among lifestyle, involvement and subjective well-being for the women overseas packbackers. 4.Most of the women overseas backpackers have an uplift attitude towards their work and life, thus are filled with the subjective well-being. The women overseas backpackers of this study have high degree of positive emotion and satisfaction of overall living. It is suggested that the overseas work and travel, and overseas volunteer travel may be another option for backpackers. The results of this study may provide useful information for the decision making of travel industry in the market targeting, product design and sales strategy.海外自助旅遊生活型態涉入程度主觀幸福感overseas backpackinglifestyleinvolvementsubjective well-being女性海外自助旅遊者生活型態、 涉入程度與主觀幸福感之研究A Study of Women Overseas Backpackers Lifestyle, Involvement and Subjective Well-being